Sweet Baby Boy Eberspacher. How do I know you are the third child? Your bumpdates are few and far between and they aren’t even on the day your week turns over. You are an “-ish.” But a very cute “-ish.” You are so loved.
We found out at about 21 weeks that we are expecting a sweet baby BOY! The ultrasound tech scanned over his little parts and told us it was a “he,” and we couldn’t even believe it. There was a lot of yelling, fist pumping (by my husband) and crying. We were so excited! Everything else with our little guy looked great. He was measuring on track, just a little bit on the tiny side, in the 25-30% in weight.
After calling my parents on the phone, we came home to share the news with our immediate family, as all of Eric’s family was in town for our annual bonfire. It was so fun to share with them our exciting news! Nora didn’t take the news of a boy so well. She bawled her eyes out for about 30 minutes, but after seeing the plaid onesie we had picked up for her baby brother, she exclaimed that she, “Guess that’s cute,” and never mentioned her disappointment after that.
Later that evening, we lit off blue fireworks to tell the rest of Eric’s family our big news. Lots of cheers for a new little farmhand!
Here’s some updates on my pregnancy so far…
How many weeks: 25-ish weeks.
Size of baby: a rutabaga
Maternity Clothes: I finally went out and bought some fall clothes that fit 🙂 Wearing them all the time. I got myself a pair of maternity leggings and yoga pants and HOLY SMOKES. My life has changed dramatically for the better!
Symptoms: Feeling better since my nausea has diminished. The occasional back and hip pains come and go as this little guy is growing, but it’s nothing new. I did find out at our ultrasound that I have partial placenta previa, which has caused quite a bit of cramping, pain and general discomfort. The doctor gave me some restrictions, the hardest of which has been to pick up the girls as little as possible, but it’s hard to not pick up when they just want their mama ;( We have a recheck ultrasound at 30 weeks to see if my placenta has moved as my uterus has grown, which my doctor is hopeful it will do. If not, we get to start talking about a C-section. Yikes! I would appreciate some prayers that it would safely move.
Looking forward to: I bought a few little things for our baby boy this past week while we were in Kansas City and it’s getting me SO excited to dress him when he finally gets here! I also picked up a few things for his nursery and got some baby clothes from Allison last week. This whole boy thing is so much fun!
Next time I have an update, it will be after my blood glucose testing at 26 weeks. I passed my first one with Nora with flying colors, but failed my first with Andi. After passing my second 3-hour test, I was so relieved, but I really don’t want to have to do that 3-hour test again. Happy 25-ish weeks to our sweet little man!