Hey-o! It’s Friday! Which in all reality, means nothing to this farm wife. Weekends, holidays….they are non existent. But this weekend is different….a bunch of our local antique stores are holding their Memorial Day Sales, so me and the girls are going to get our mud boots on and go junk searching. Hopefully we find some gems.
Which brings me to my first thing this week….
1. Vintage Scale Repurpose
I had this old scale sitting in my basement and decided to give it a facelift this past week. After giving it a good scrubbing, I covered it with some gold paint then added a gold glitter overlay. It turned out beautiful and looks so pretty in my laundry room.
2. Galvanized Letters
After waiting for what seemed like forever, these galvanized letters from Hobby Lobby finally went on sale so I snagged them as soon as I could. I love the way they look in my printing cabinet.
If you missed my LIVE Hobby Lobby chat on Her View From Home, you can watch it here on the Her View Facebook page.
3. Garden Victories
We are finally getting a consistent harvest from our gardens this year. we have been enjoying lots of different lettuces, onions, radishes and strawberries so far!
4. These Girls
Seriously…. those smiles Andersyn Joy…. she kills me some days.
And Nora is just the cutest, too.
And these watermelon suits from Target. Swoon.
5. Bowling
Nora had her first bowling experience this past week while we were in Kansas City at Pinstripes in Prairie Fire in Overland Park. She absolutely loved it. Poor girl only lasted about one game, but it was so cute watching her roll the ball down the lane and jump up in victory with her hands raised when she knocked pins down.
If you’re looking for a fun night out in KC, Pinstripes was wonderful. Not only do they have bowling, but also indoor bocce ball and a fantastic restaurant. Their happy hour specials were pretty impressive as well.
And while you’re there, don’t forget to stop by my mom’s place, Zuzu’s Petals, located in Threshing Bee. Tell her I sent you 🙂
Hope you all have a fabulous holiday weekend, as we remember and give thanks for those who have given so much.
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