October 22, 2014
Weight: 9 lbs 12.5 ounces
Length: 21.5 inches
Head Circumference: 14 inches
Clothes: 0-3 months, newborn diapers. Packing up all those newborn clothes made me cry 🙁
Feeding: Nursing on demand during the day, about every 2 hours. Goes down for last feeding at 11-11:30pm and sleeps until 3-4am. Nurses again, then asleep until 6-7am, nurses again the sleeps until 9am, then up for the day.
Schedule: We are (loosely) trying the eat, play, sleep routine. Andersyn seems to be able to stay awake after her feedings for about an hour or so, but I have officially diagnosed her with same disease her big sister has – FOMO, or Fear Of Missing Out. This kid can stay awake for two or three hours at a time, just looking around wanting to see what’s going on. And heaven forbid she be put down so she is not in on all the action! That being said, she will stay awake through her subsequent feeding, then be awake for about another 30 minutes followed by a longer nap, so she is still kind of following the schedule. I’m not really planning on implementing a hard core schedule until she is about 2 months old, but until then we will at least continue with what we are doing, as well as our bedtime routine.
Likes: A light swaddle at night, being bounced, her pacifier, playing on her play mat, being outside, bath time, bouncing on the exercise ball. She actually enjoys taking her Zantac twice a day, she gulps that stuff right down!
Dislikes: Being hot/sweaty, not being held or rocked, burping, wearing clothes.
Milestones: The big one this week is smiling!! Andi is starting to consistently smile more, epsecially when she sees Mommy or Daddy’s face! Trying so hard to roll over, lifting her head up and looking around, learning to go longer at night in between feedings. Andi is also starting to cry less. Hallelujah! The doctor’s originally thought this was colic, but it seems like she doesn’t have TRUE colic, but that she just has significant reflux (which is improving drastically) and has a “witching hour” (more like 3 hours) in the evenings when she is fussy. We are making progress, folks!
Fun “Firsts” This Month: The annual Eberspacher Bonfire, going to the Pumpkin Patch, combine and 4-wheeler rides, first Sunday at church, going to the park with her big sister.
What a fun, and absolutely exhausting, first month it’s been! Here’s to another fun month of learning and growing together, sweet Andersyn!