Am I really talking about this?
5. Flirt during the day
This is the one that changed things for me. Sometimes as a mama, especially one that stays home, I’m touched, grabbed, spit on and violently mauled hugged all day by my kids. It can be hard for me to go from that environment all day to having to push a button and be ready for intimacy with my husband. Fact of the matter is, I’m no sex unicorn. Some days, I’d rather just curl up on the couch and not be touched at all by anyone, including my man, no offense to him. But flirting during the day can really change your attitude towards sex. Send him a flirty text, wrap your arms around him at dinner or lay a big one on him. Because really, when was the last time you gave your husband a long, passionate kiss? If your answer is “the last time we had sex,” try spontaneously giving him one during the day, and I mean really go in for it… I can guarantee you it will catch him off guard and both of your minds will start to shift in the right direction.
6. Go get something that makes you feel beautiful
I’m not talking Victoria’s Secret model beautiful, but you and your man kind of beautiful. For me, finding lingerie that fit my mama body type and letting my husband help me pick them out was so fun. And the fact that he came along and was interested made it even better. It’s hard to embrace the way our bodies change after having kids, but having something that you feel comfortable in can make all the difference in the world. And just think about what a great surprise your husband will get when you take off your yoga pants and spit-up t-shirt to reveal what’s beneath? You rock it, mama!
7. Take time away
So there you go. If you find you and your husband trying to get your groove back while you are raising those sweet little people, give some of these a try. We were created to enjoy intimacy with our husbands, even after the kids come along. And your sex life, and your marriage, is SO WORTH IT.

I appreciate you taking the time to approach this hard topic. It gives me some relief to know that I'm not the only mama struggling. It's tough to think of myself as something other than a mommy,housekeeper,cook,etc. when I get home from work. But your words have inspired me and I know that my husband deserves my attention as much as I deserve his. God Bless you and your family and I pray your bond with your hubby grows ever stronger.