Our sweet little guy is 2 months old! And what a hectic last month of life it’s been for our little guy.
Deacon {2 MONTHS}
Weight: 10 pounds 5 ounces (22nd percentile)
Length: 22 1/4 inches (17th percentile)
Head circumference: 14 3/4 inches (6th percentile)
Deacon continues to nurse on demand, every 2-3 hours during the day. He wakes up at 3am and 6am to nurse and goes right back down to sleep. He was continuing to wake up every 2 hours on the dot to nurse around the clock until he got the flu 2 weeks ago. I had to force feed him 5-10mls of breastmilk at a time every hour and wake him up in the middle of the night to feed him for about 48 hours. The poor sweet heart was miserable. After that bout with sickness, he went from waking up 4-5 times a night to nurse to only 2. This has been a game changer for my energy levels and he hasn’t seemed to mind.
He is wearing mostly all 0-3 month clothes now although a few of his newborn shirts still fit. He is wearing size 1 diapers, but due to recent blowouts this week I think it’s time to move up to size 2!
Last month I was really excited to start trying to get Deacon on a loose schedule, but then we had almost a month of straight sickness in our house, so any type of schedule went out the door. His only schedule at this point is to nurse on demand. He usually takes one long morning and one long afternoon nap with a few small cat naps in between. He is usually a little fussy in the evenings; not crying, just wanting to be up and walking around and nursing from about 7-9, then sleeps from 9-3, nurses and is back to sleep until 6, then usually is back to sleep and up by 8 for the day. He is such a laid back baby, this makes not having a schedule so nice!
Little guy loves to nurse and eating is his favorite thing. He has gotten the hang of his pacifier this month and is a lifesaver! His favorite position to sleep is on his tummy and does a great job lifting and moving his head side to side. He LOVES to cuddle and is the perfect snuggle bug! He is so content during bath time and likes the water really warm. HIs favorite position is facing out while we carry him around, but he also loves to be propped up on our knees and stare us down. This is the best chance for getting him to smile at you 😉 He is such a sweet, smiley baby.
There is only one thing Deacon hates….his car seat. I mean he really, REALLY hates it. If he is just in for 5 or 10 minutes it’s no big deal, but any longer drive and he is not happy. Lots of screaming and crying (he NEVER cries!) made for a long trip to and from KC this last weekend. I’m really hoping that he phases out of it soon. Anyone have any tips? We also completely got rid of the swaddle this month, he didn’t seem to like that too much. Deacon also isn’t too happy when his big sisters get up in his face 😉 They just love him so much and don’t really know what “boundaries” are. Ha!
Like I said before, his head strength is really improving, even though he isn’t a fan of tummy time. He can roll onto his side and scoot around in his crib on his tummy. Deacon really started smiling for us this month! And let me tell you, his smile lights up any room! He started cooing a little bit, too, but he is such a quiet, “soft spoken” baby that it wouldn’t surprise me if it took him a little while to really make any noises. He has started noticing his hands and objects placed closely in front of him and he loves grasping onto our fingers.
And his saddest milestone was his first real “sickness” this month when our family caught the flu. I really thought he was in the clear, and about 4 days after we had it, he started projectile vomiting. It was so sad to see such a little baby so sick, but we kept him hydrated and he really did as good as I could have expected him to. Here’s hoping he doesn’t get sick again for a while.
I can’t wait to see what this next month has in store for our little man! Baby’s first Easter, hopefully his first tractor ride, taking walks in the Spring air… it’s going to be a great month!