Taking care of your house and home can be quite the task, can’t it? Whether you are a SAHM, working mom, young married or single, getting tasks done around the house can really be a drag. But guess what….it doesn’t have to be! Here are SIX things that I do EVERYDAY that keep my house running smoothly and clean. The goal is NOT perfection. My motto is this: Picked Up and Presentable. That way when I have unexpected guests drop by, have a house full of friends or simply want to feel comfortable in my home everyday, these things help me keep my sanity and pride in being the keeper of my home.
1. Make your bed everyday
Seriously, we have all heard it a million times…but having all the beds made in my house every morning starts the day out presentable and put together. It gives my bedrooms a clean feeling and they are a way to feel put together amidst the crazy of life.
2. Have TWO times a day to tidy up
For our house, it’s before lunch and before bed. Take 10 minutes and put away toys, stick dishes in the dishwasher, clean off your countertops and take a deep breath. This does NOT mean that everything has to be perfect, just put things away in their proper place. It’s amazing what just a few minutes, two times a day will change your day and the feel of your home.
3. Wipe down ALL surfaces at the end of the day
For me, while we are getting ready for bed is the perfect time of day to do this EASY task! Take a wet towel or rag and wipe down all the dirty surfaces of your house: your kitchen countertops and cabinets, bathroom sinks and toilets and any other surface that has gotten sticky over the course of the day. Having clean surfaces to start your day the next morning makes such a world of difference!
4. Sweep the floors at the end of the day
Nothing drives me more bonkers than a dirty floor, especially with a one year old that puts everything in her mouth! Take a few minutes at the end of your day and make a quick sweep of your floors. No need to mop, just run your broom or vacuum over your floors and get all the crumbs and hair off the floor. That way you aren’t crunching over them the next morning when you go to get your coffee 🙂
5. Do one load of laundry at least every other day
Some people have one day a week dedicated to laundry. That seems overwhelming to me! Take the time to do just one load of laundry every other day and keep the piles down along with your stress!
Plus, then no one will never run out of clean undeeze 🙂
6. Take a few minutes to thank the good Lord for the house work you have
Let’s face it…we are BLESSED to stress about the work we have to do. Take the time to thank God for the dirty toilets, loads of laundry, your warm home and piles of dishes you have to clean. Not only would some give their right kidney to have your housework, but they would give even MORE to have the people to do them for. As women, we have a really beautiful role in our families to take care of them this way. And believe it or not, we have an even greater opportunity to do these important things with grateful and joyful hearts and glorify the Lord while doing them. Being thankful is key in taking care of your home and family.
I hope that this can encourage you to add some value, structure and joy to completing your housework. What we do is SO important in our homes. I have found that in the middle of the messy and stressful that life throws at us, the best thing that we as women can do is make our house a haven. And one of the ways to do this is to keep our homes Picked Up and Presentable. These are really simple things that I have learned to do in my journey in wife and motherhood that can bless my family and my own heart. I hope it does the same for you, too.