After making the big dumb mistake of having a Coke after 9pm last night at our game night, I couldn’t sleep. I think that officially qualifies me as moving into the “old lady” club, right? So I trudged into my babies room at 1:53 AM and remembered what I was feeling exactly 10 months ago. Tiny little life, with ten tiny little fingers and ten tiny little toes. And now I looked down upon this giant child who looked so grown up sleeping in nothing but her Hesston College t-shirt and size 4 diaper, clinging to her little bunny, Peepers. Be still my heart, be still….
Um, double digit months already?!? This dose not seem possible to me. We have had a very fun month of growing, eating, playing and tooth popping. That’s right, our biggest milestone is that we finally have a tooth, with a second one on the way in as we speak. Sad to say, poor baby didn’t do so well with toothie #1: fever, screaming, sweating, runny nose, more screaming. It was so sad, but I have never been more thankful for Tylenol or ice cubes in mesh feeders. Everyone says that the first couple of teeth are the worst and it gets better from here on out… here’s hoping!!
Nora weighs just a little over 20 lbs now, so not much change in weight, but she is definitely getting longer by the minute. No need for measuring here, she is just outgrowing ALL of her onsies. All of that growing can be attributed to one thing…a healthy appetite! Nora continues to eat anything that we do and LOVES meal time! She is strictly on formula now, and takes about five 4-6oz bottles a day along with 3 full meals and frequent snacks (Cheerios and goldfish). Favorite foods include blueberries, bananas, raspberries, avocado, chicken and macaroni and cheese. Eric has been making banana malts quite a bit and she practically sits on us trying to get a bite. She has her Daddy’s sweet tooth, for sure!
Nora is an expert crawler and loves standing up and climbing on everything that she can. She confidently holds onto furniture and walls and walks along side of them, sometimes even letting go and seeing how long she can stand up by herself. She is pretty resilient, in that when she falls from standing, she gets right back up and tries it again. Her confidence and persistence makes me proud 🙂 To add to her accolades, she just yesterday started standing on the stairs and holding onto the spindles so she can STEP up each stair. That one makes me a little more nervous than the others, but she is so proud of herself when she does this, and looks to me for approval with each step towards the second floor.
We also left Nora with her first non-family babysitter this month, our dear friend Cindy. I have had numerous doctor’s appointments this month, and there was one that I knew she probably would not do well at, the ENT. Cindy came to the rescue last minute, and I am forever grateful. I am happy to say that Nora did excellent and Cindy and I went out to celebrate her good behavior at La Carretta. Any excuse to eat Mexican food, right?
I almost was not going to write this, but I’m going to anyways. I had to make my first call to Poison Control this month. We had an ant trap set up by our back door, and both Eric and I completely forgot that it was there. I was cooking Nora and I lunch and she was playing with her toys along side of me on the floor. I went to combine a few ingredients on the stovetop, and all of the sudden I heard a slurping sound. I immediately knew what was happening. After frantically wiping her mouth out, I realized that a majority of the solution was on her shirt and the floor, so I don’t really think the ingested much. And lucky for us, the kind lady at P.C. assured me that only 5% of the trap was Borax, which causes minimal to none GI upset. Nora had no issues, and was just excited that she got herself a second bath that day. I cried for about an hour after this ordeal and felt terrible. “Mom of the Year Award” right here, folks. Word to the wise: never be too embarrassed to call Poison Control. It’s not worth taking chances!
A few other fun random things we got to do this month: overnight with Grandma Eberspacher so Mommy and Daddy could go to Branson, first 4th of July, the OP Farmer’s Market, swimming playdate with Blaine and Pierce Weil, smoking meat outside with Daddy, Mommy started running in the mornings and Nora loves it (Mommy, not so much), first Chick-Fil-A experience with the Boyles, playdate in the park with the Leepers, learning how to say “moo!” like a cow, enjoying brushing our “tooth,” eating breakfast out on the patio, painting our toenails for the first time, sitting in the kitchen drawer while Mommy cooks, and this afternoon we are moving up to bigger and better things in the wide world of car seats to a convertible car seat (we are going with Graco, again).
So happy 10 months, baby girl! Please be nice to Mommy and Daddy on your first airplane ride to Colorado on Thursday. And please be patient this month as Mommy tries to make your birthday outfit. And don’t worry, you’ll be covered in glitter by the end of this project 🙂