Boy, friends…it has been a rough week here at our house. Between some deep soul searching for me and an extremely constipated, sad baby, this week took it out of me big time. I had a hard time meeting some of my goals, I am sad to report. As much as I desire to keep up with the goals I have set for myself, there are just some times where it needs to go on the back burner and make being 110% hands on with your baby the #1 priority. With that being said, here we go.
Running: I ran twice with out Nora this week since she was so sick. Eric was sweet enough to watch her so I could get out and get a little running in. When I ran with out her, my times were about 7-8 minutes FASTER. I still plan on running my races with her in tow, but it was surprising to see just how much it affects my pace and consistency. That being said, it was exciting for me to see just how fast I could go!
Water: We had such a busy week and multiple times I forgot to fill my water bottle before we left the house. When we were at home, I just didn’t push myself to drink enough. This week WILL be better!
Eating: I was able to keep up with small portions this week. However, there were many meals that were virtually skipped. Hoping that this week will be a bit easier with Nora so I can do better!
Weight: I am consistently down about 1 pound this week, so I’m at 129. This may have been contributed by not eating consistently, but nonetheless, the scale moved down. I’ll take it!
Recipes: I was able to try a great new salsa recipe from the Pioneer Woman this week. I used her restaurant style salsa recipe and used a whole bunch of fresh tomatoes that my MIL brought from the farm. Originally this recipe calls for canned tomatoes, and it turned out great, but it was a bit on the watery side, so I ended up having to strain it at the end. I will definitely be making this one again! For a new meal this week, Eric grilled up some chicken breasts on the grill. We have been using our grill a ton lately and just adding on fresh veggies to go along with the meat: zucchini, onions, peppers, etc. Nothing special or a new recipe, per say, but they have definitely been clean, fresh meals to have for our dinners. Eating clean at dinner time has been getting much easier as this process has gone along, and I’m so thankful for that!
So there is my week in goals. Praying that this week goes better 🙂 Taking the day off from running today, since I only got about 4 hours of sleep last night with a sick baby.