I was always convinced that I would pay as much attention to each pregnancy as I did with my first. But alas, Baby Spach #3 has been a bit neglected. But now is as good a time as any to start documenting this pregnancy. After all, we are SO thankful for the little baby growing inside of me. I’m excited to share the ups and downs along the way with you!
How far along: 15 weeks (and some change)
Size of baby: a navel orange (4.5 inches, 2-3 ounces)
Baby’s heart rate: 150
Gender: we find out in the middle of October!
Maternity Clothes: a few shirt here and there. I broke out my maternity pants a few weeks ago and it was glorious 🙂
Symptoms: My symptoms this pregnancy have been almost identical to my last two. Lots of nausea and vomiting the first 3 months. I took Zofran around the clock, Protonix and Unisom at night to help keep the nausea down. Luckily my N/V has eased up significantly this week. Along with that, I am hardly needing to take my Zofran anymore, so my constipation is also gone. Like my past pregnancies, I’ve had a couple of UTI’s, this time requiring IM antibiotics. Again, this is pretty standard for the first trimesters of my pregnancies, so this is nothing new. The only NEW thing I’ve had this pregnancy are head aches. I get them almost every afternoon.
Movement: I’ve been able to feel some swirling in my pelvis. There is no mistaking that feeling!
Big Sisters: Nora is SO excited about the baby! She was pretty upset the first day we told her, but she has warmed up pretty quick and loves hearing the baby’s heart beat and rubbing my (bloat) bump. Andi has no clue and has no idea what’s coming 😐
Looking Forward To: As I shared before, our new foster daughter, S, is also expecting. I’m excited to walk our pregnancy journeys together! I’m also looking forward to lots of fun church activities we have planned this weekend.

Congratulations! I am sure you will have a healthy baby. Thanks for sharing!