How Many Weeks Along? 21, moved up a few days with a new official due date of September 27th.
Size of Baby: A banana! She measured 11 inches and 12 ounces on her anatomy scan.
Gender: This week we found out we are having a sweet baby GIRL!!
Weight gain: Up one pound over the past 2 weeks, so up 6 pounds total.
Maternity Clothes: Loving them! Anxious for the warm weather to be here for good so I can get out all my tank tops.
Movement: Oh my, yes!! Lots of it. The past couple of days she has moved from my right side over to the left. Excited for my parents to try and feel her move this weekend.
Symptoms: Feeling really good this week! Continuing to be sore and achy as things continue to move and shift, but that’s to be expected. Lots of Braxton Hicks (I had them super early with Nora, too) and have had some nose and gum bleeds this week. Waiting to hear back about my lab results.
Sleep: The bathroom and I are good buddies at about 2am, but sleeping great!
Cravings: Taco Bell, Oklahoma Joes and anything peanut butter.
Best Moment of the Week: Finding out we are having another precious little girl! I will never, ever get tired of watching my babies squirm around on that ultrasound screen 🙂
Looking Forward To: Nora and I leave for KC today and I’m excited to see my family and be back in O-Town for a few days. Also looking forward to having a bit more of a relaxed week, last week was simply crazy!