Andersyn Joy
11 Months (woah, really!?!)
Weight: 22 pounds
Length: 26.5 inches
Clothing: 18-24 months, size 3 shoe, size 5 diaper
Things you like this month:
Girlfriend, you like SO many new things! The main thing you love is being able to walk RUN! You toddle around everywhere and it has freed your wild side! You love your big sister and try to do everything she does, which doesn’t always go over so well with her. Climbing on furniture makes this mama scared, but gives you the biggest thrills! You love to eat, so meal and snack time are always a happy time of day for you. The other new thing you love? Books! It is truly a joy to watch you go pick up a book and walk over and hand it to me to read, hooting as you walk over. You still love your pacifier, but are using it less and less during the day. Another fun new toy is the toilet paper roll 🙂
Things you don’t like this month:
Now that you are completely mobile, you hate staying still. Going to church out or out to eat gotten a lot harder this month, but we will get the hang of it eventually. You have officially gotten “hangry” this month, which means waiting for food is a big no-no, so I try and have a few things on hand that are easy to grab for you. You also don’t like closed doors; you will stand and pound at a door that’s in your way and scream your head off if no one lets you in quickly enough. You tend to get into everything nowadays, and those closed doors just get on your way! I think the thing you hate the most is wearing clothes. Poor child, fall and winter will just not suit you!
The obvious one is your new ability to walk and run. I swear you picked it up over night. It has made life so much better for you and it’s just SO FUN! It has been a joy watching you gain your independence and explore the world around you. You had two teeth that popped through this week, and it didn’t seem to bother you too badly. You are up to 4 teeth now. You don’t have many new words, but you are so chatty (your sister never was, so this is new to us!), but your cutest new sound is “yeehaw!” Your daddy taught you that one 🙂
The saddest thing that has started to happen this month is that you are starting to loose that baby fat that you are known for. I take all the squishing of your rolls that I can get these days knowing that they will just continue to melt away.
The best new milestone? Pony and pig tails 🙂
Food and drinks:
You will eat just about anything, but surprisingly, you have had a hard time eating fruit. I don’t know if it’s the tartness or texture, but you aren’t a huge fan. I’m sure it will get better with time. Until then, you will continue to love spaghetti, any vegetable, chicken enhiladas and, your favorite, vanillia wafers.
You take 4-5 bottles a day and take water from a straw with meals.
Andersyn Joy, it is truly a privilege to be your mama. Everything about you warms my heart. I can hardly believe that you will be ONE this time next month. It breaks a bit of my soul to think about that, but it just means that you are continuing to grow into the young lady that God created you to be. I am so proud that you are mine!
Even on days like this: