Deacon turned 5 months old last week. I honestly can’t believe how fast time is flying by! I haven’t kept up with his monthly updates as I’ve liked to; partly because I haven’t had the time, but partly because this cloud known as PPD has just zapped my desire to write them. But I’m at a better point now – a mentally healthier point! So let’s catch up on our sweet little buddy!

Weight: 15 pounds
Clothes: 3-6 month clothes, 3 month shoes, size 3 diapers

Milestones: Deacon has completely mastered rolling over! He can roll from back to tummy and tummy to back with ease. We can’t leave him in one spot on the floor because he will be off and rolling across the room the moment we lay him down! He is also starting to be able to sit up on his own when we position him up, but is still super wobbly! He loves to put things in his mouth and has officially found his toes. Deacon gives us the BEST belly laughs and is officially the most ticklish under his chin. He is continuing to develop his hand-eye coordination and it’s so fun to watch him pick up toys and stick them in his mouth.

Eats: We are still going strong in the breastfeeding department. Deacon nurses about every 3 hours during the day and is up usually once to nurse at night. He goes to sleep around 9:30pm and sleeps until 4 or 5, so he is giving us at least one good long stretch of sleep. We started baby food this month! So far he has had apples, sweet potatoes, and bananas. The first few days were interesting, but he has really gotten the hang of things and he now has 1.5 ounces of baby food twice a day. It’s so fun to watch him eat!

Favorites: Deacon definitely has a few things that he loves. This month we put him in his bouncer and that boy goes to town! He loves his big sisters, and they are free entertainment for him all day long. He still enjoys his play mat and has found that rubber toys are fun to chew on, along with his pacifier. Because he is so “go with the flow” Deacon also loves spending time in the Baby Bjorn and is starting to get used to sitting up in the high chair. Honestly, they aren’t too many things that he doesn’t like, but by far his favorite thing is to be talked to and play peek a boo. Little man loves people.

Our Deacon really is the BEST baby. Between his easy going personality and never ending smiles, we feel so blessed that God chose him for us. The last couple of months I have felt so disconnected to everyone around me, even him. I KNOW the things that I’m supposed to feel for my baby, but up until the last few weeks, I just haven’t felt them. But now that I am, I’m experiencing our son in a whole new way – and he is so amazing.
On Monday, Eric, Deacon and I fly out to Washington DC for 5 days, so he will have his first flight and we will all have our first trip to our nation’s capitol. We are excited to spend some long term one on one time with our son and explore the city together. And the girls? Well don’t fret, they get to stay at Hammie and Pop Pop’s for the week. They probably won’t even notice we are gone.
We can’t wait to watch Deacon grow another month. We just love our little bud.