I was slightly dreading today, as it was the 8 year mark of my dear Grandpa passing away. But, in the midst of that sadness, I woke up choosing to celebrate the sweetest 8 month old I know! But she woke up with different plans 🙁
Poor Nora had just been off all weekend long, as had I. Yucky nausea and vomiting and overall feeling down right gross. It’s one thing when you feel bad, but totally different when your baby feels the same way. But going with monthly tradition, I still tried to take pictures to document her growth. It did not go very well, as noted below…
“Honestly, Mom, I don’t feel good…”
“No really, I’m about ready to puke…”
Sadly, this was the only semi-smiling picture I could grab of her all day. Poor thing!
Some of the fun things we are doing in month 8:
1. We LOVE going to the grocery store and out to eat and sitting in our high chair. She bounces all around in her seat and flails her arms around at anyone who will pay attention to her.
2. She takes about 3 crawls forward, then falls down. So frustrating that she is so close to REALLY crawling, but all in good time, I suppose. She continues to live up to her name of the Whirling Dervish and rolls anywhere her chubby self pleases.
3. This child will eat ANYTHING that I give her from my plate. Lately, she particularly loves macaroni and cheese, string cheese, spaghetti with meat and cheese sauce (can you see the cheese trend?), and last, but certainly not the least, ice cream. This child can’t get enough.
2. She takes about 3 crawls forward, then falls down. So frustrating that she is so close to REALLY crawling, but all in good time, I suppose. She continues to live up to her name of the Whirling Dervish and rolls anywhere her chubby self pleases.
3. This child will eat ANYTHING that I give her from my plate. Lately, she particularly loves macaroni and cheese, string cheese, spaghetti with meat and cheese sauce (can you see the cheese trend?), and last, but certainly not the least, ice cream. This child can’t get enough.
4. Standing – she stands up any chance she can get. She grabs onto furniture, people, toys…if she can get her hands on it, “Yo, ho! Up she rises!!” Her favorite place to stand is in her bed. She loves to watch me put away her laundry while standing/bouncing in her crib. It’s so cute, ’cause she is just so proud of herself!
5. Sad milestone, but I must document…her first stomach bug. Unfortunately, I think I was the one to give it to her. Babies and throwing up is not a fun combination, but add in there Mommy being sick as well and it’s just plain depressing. I am feeling great now, so I’m hoping her’s passes just as fast as mine did.
6. When we went to Nebraska this week for Grandpa Don’s funeral, she totally recognized Eric’s parents. My heart was filled with so much joy to see her face light up and remember who they were. I think she is really starting to enjoy being out on the farm, too.
7. Nora loves to swing. And nothing brings a smile to my face quicker than hearing her squeal as she flies through the air.
At the doctor’s today, she weighted 18 pounds, 12 ounces, although I swear she feels heavier than that 🙂 Or maybe I’m just weak….who knows! It is a joy to watch her grow and change so much every month. I can’t wait to see what her 9th month of life brings…hopefully playing outside lots and finally being able to try out our new pool!
Posing with the flowers at Grandpa’s funeral

8 months already. It's not fun when the little ones are sick.
I remember your grandpa Olsen….he was a dear man. I know you and him had a special relationship. He would love to see you celebrating the life of your little Nora. Love you.