So glad that Friday is back again. We have had a wonderful week here in our house, and I’m so grateful, since the past few have been a little stressful. No matter, the weekend is almost here, and the temps in KC are supposed to be in the mid 30’s the next few days, so we are hunkering down and staying in our jammies as much as we can. No complaints here 🙂
With Thanksgiving coming up, I thought I would do 5 things that I’m thankful for this week. So let’s get started.
1. Changing Seasons
Like I mentioned before, we will have freezing temperatures this weekend, but just this past week, Nora and I were able to enjoy our last few warm days to play at the park. I’m so grateful that we live in a place where the weather changes and we get to experience all of God’s handy work through nature. Changing of seasons also means the changing of decorations, only my most favoritest thing ever (I don’t think “favoritest” is a word, but I just made it one)!
2. My Family
I am so thankful for our little family of 3. My husband is truly my best friend, the other pea in my pod, if you will, and my daughter is the light of my life. I have the greatest parents who have given me nothing but love and grace over the years, a little brother who always keeps life interesting, and the best set of in-laws and in-law siblings possible, who have graciously welcomed me into their family. Blessed does not even begin to describe how I feel.
3. Our House…and House-To-Be!
Although selling your first house is hard, it makes me take the time to appreciate all the little things I love about it. I have found myself holding back tears while giving tours of the house, showcasing all of the things I love about it and have made it so special to us. The transition will be made easier when we move, as Eric is building me my dream house in Nebraska. We meet with the architect again today to go over a more finalized version of the blueprints, moving us one step closer to watching our dreams come true. Webster Architects here in KC have been an absolute joy to work with. They have been so patient in answering our questions and bringing our vision for our farm house to life. I am so thankful for them!
4. Health
Earlier this year, I had quite the health scare. I had been having significant head aches for about 5 months, along with dizziness, and nothing was helping. My doctor sat me down after numerous tests came back negative, and prepared me for the worst before having an MRI of my brain done. As an oncology nurse, I knew this talk was possibly coming, but it was so hard to hear. Eric and I were terrified. Praise the Lord, my scan came back clean. Eventually, my doctor found a medication to use that would help with pain, but also help to PREVENT my head aches and dizziness. After consistently being on the medication for a few months, I now only have to take the pills when I need them. This year, I am so thankful for my health, as well as that of my family’s. So this Thanksgiving, we offer praise to God for healthy bodies, and hopefully less ear infections for little Nora this winter 🙂
5. Trust
This past year has brought about many challenges and changes for me, personally. I have found that amidst the changes, God has been so faithful to me. I feel my heart bursting with joy this Thanksgiving, even with all we have going on. At this time a year or two ago, I would have been completely overwhelmed and frustrated with myself. But God has grown me in so many ways this year, and I find myself being able to look change and hardship in the face and stand firm in the promises God has been teaching me these last 12 months. I have complete trust that God is FOR me and that He plans to prosper my family’s life. So this year, I am thankful for a year of spiritual growth and a softening of my heart towards trusting God with every aspect of my life.
So Happy Thanksgiving, sweet blog friends! I pray that your holiday week is full of joy and laughter! Remember, if your needing any helpful tips or recipes for this week, hop on over to my Thanksgiving Dinner Series posts and browse around. I would love to help you out with any dishes if you have any questions :)

That picture of Nora at the park–love!!! And oh how I miss those changing seasons!
I really cannot wait to follow along as you guys build your farmhouse! Such exciting times ahead!!! 🙂
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your sweet family, friend!
Thank you sweet friend 🙂 I hope you have an awesome Thanksgiving with your family, too. It's so fun watching our girls enjoy the holidays more this year.
love your thankful heart and this post full of gratitude!!! xx
Your just the sweetest, Elise. Thank you! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your hubby!