It seems like there was never anything before my life as Mrs. Eberspacher. Every day before June 12, 2009 seems like a dream, really. Even our anniversary last year seems like ages ago. So many things have changed since our wedding day, some things have been hard, but they have always worked out for the better.
For starters, Eric and I used to be able to stay up until all hours of the night, working on projects, watching movies and going out late. Now we are lucky to make it through the 10 o’clock news with out one of us crashing on the couch. I’ve got a little “more to love” from giving life to two baby girls and Eric has lost what I’ve gained, plus some (isn’t that always how it happens?). We used to frequent our favorite restaurants and eat out whenever we felt like it, now we count our coupons, price match at Wal-Mart and eat out maybe once or twice a month. Our evenings of going out with friends has quickly turned into staying in and huddling around a bonfire, hoping our friends want to do the same. And snuggling close, just the two of us, in the mornings has turned into cramming into our bed and making a giggly Nora sandwich. Would I change a moment of it? Absolutely not. I never knew such happiness existed (or that I could be so tired, ha!).
This year in our marriage has definitely been one for the books. And I feel like it can be summed up in one word – TRUST. We packed up our lives and moved back to Nebraska, leaving behind everything I knew and loved. For the most part, I am usually the outspoken (or loud, as some like to put it) spouse in our relationship. While Eric has always been the head of our household, he has usually done this in a quiet, reserved manner, and I have always (tried) to follow close after his lead. But this past year has been extremely difficult for me to take in all of the changes and I have needed quite a bit more encouragement and coaxing to follow after my husband. Not out of my lack of faith in his decisions, but out of fear of the unknown. I think the biggest difference in our marriage this year is that it has been extremely evident through this whole process who wears the pants in our family – and it is definitely Eric. And I couldn’t be more proud.
With that change in him has also come a change in myself. When we initially began the moving process, there were quite a few things that I didn’t understand or got overwhelmed with. Eric really “took the bull by the horns” as I like to put it and, after carefully explaining things over and over again to me, made it possible for us to move to the farm, almost seamlessly. He did this with much grace and discernment, taking my hand and leading me so gently, especially once my pregnancy hormones kicked in the week we moved North. My ability to confidently trust him slowly increased as I recognized who the man was that I was trusting. I was trusting the man who was continually seeking God’s will for our family, who was making this move with integrity and honesty and was doing the very best he could for our family. But when I finally released my fears and realized that it was God that I was needing to trust to give my husband wisdom to lead me, things changed. I began responding more positively to changes, praying for Eric differently (specifically more boldly) and watching my fears about our transition slip into the distance. And with my greater trust in Eric, his confidence to lead our family on this new journey has skyrocketed. Honestly, it’s been an unbelievable thing to watch.
So here we are…five years, one sweet little girl and another on the way, two moves and a farm later and our marriage has turned into something I never imagined. Lots of highs, lots of lows and after this year, lots of trust. What a joy and blessing it is to be Mr. Eberspacher’s wife. Happy 5 years, Eric!
And just for fun, here is a look back on how we celebrated our previous anniversaries 🙂

Love seeing the anniversaries through the years!!! <3
Happy anny, you two!!!! xx
Thank you Elise! We had a wonderful day celebrating 🙂
How exciting, congrats on FIVE years!! Many more memories to come, my sweet friend!
Thanks friend! It was a lovely day!
Happy anniversary, Lauren! Time seems to be moving at light speed isn't it?
Thanks Courtney! Time is truly flying by! By the way, I waved at you on our way down to Branson this past weekend 🙂