For as far back as I can remember, I have loved camping. Everything about it gets me excited: sleeping in a tent, building campfires, cooking breakfast, making smores and having the remnants of eating them all over your face, hearing the leaves crunching under your feet at the campsite. I even enjoy smelling like campfire smoke in the mornings. Luckily for me, Eric enjoys it just about as much as I do. We decided to celebrate our anniversary one more time with an overnight getaway to our favorite place, Branson: home of the Baldknobbers, Silver Dollar City, southern gospel music, pork rinds, funnel cakes, antique shopping and world class people watching. But the best part about this place is our favorite campground, Compton Ridge. The last time we were here, I was about 22 weeks pregnant with Nora, so we were long overdue for a campout. Grandma Eberspacher drove down from Nebraska and watched Nora for the weekend so we could get a little time away by ourselves. This trip came at the perfect time after a few stressful weeks and was just what the doctor ordered. Below is a hodge-podge of snapshots from our weekend.
Our home away from home
We spent the day Saturday at Silver Dollar City, the local amusement park. Lots of fun for roller coaster lovers, like ourselves.
Poor Eric got called up to be a part of the skit in the saloon show. He HATES being in front of people. What made it even worse is that he had to be in front of people AND dance the Macarena. He was such a good sport.
Nothing like pork rinds with Cajun salt. I could crunch on those things all day.
Making friends in the woodcarving shop.
If Christmas is anywhere, I will find and embrace it. Even in 90 degree sultry heat
Ate at our favorite spot in SDC. We both got the family feud succotash bowl, of course. It has fried okra in it, and I’m a total sucker for fried okra. Oh, heavenly!
I love this guy
Nothing says camping like original 1970’s Chinese lantern lights. Festive AND obnoxious. So perfect.
Cooking the man some breakfast
Thanks for the memories, site #134. You’ve done it again!
We honestly had a wonderful weekend, but we were so ready to get back home to our baby girl. Even Eric said he didn’t think that he was going to miss her as much as he did (it’s usually me moaning and groaning that I’m ready to get home and see her). When we merged onto I-35 from I-435, I may or may not have started chanting Nora’s name…and clapping….I was just a bit anxious to hold my girl again 🙂 Eric treated us to homemade malts when we got home – our little dairy lover was all over it.
And what would a Mommy-Daddy getaway be with out stay at home gifts? Gumby and Pokey – every kid should have one to have a completed childhood 🙂 Happy Monday!