When I heard about this link-up I was so excited! As if our anniversary last week wasn’t reason enough to blog about my favorite guy, this sure is. I loved talking about Eric – I am quite biased that he is the greatest man I’ve ever met. Here is a little bit of why:
{1} Describe your dating life prior to finding your husband.
I had a long term relationship in high school and went on lots of dates in college (looking back, entirely too many!), but never found quite who I was looking for. I had a long list in my mind of what I wanted in my husband and I seemed to look for it in all the wrong guys. Mainly, I wanted someone who loved the Lord whole-heartedly. Then one fall day, enter Eric, stage left….
{2} Describe your husband in one word. How would he describe you in one word?
I would describe Eric and genuine. Everything about him is. Whether it’s a conversation your having with him, his work ethic, a friendship or giving his opinion. You always know he is doing it with his heart and giving 100% attention to it. I love that about him. I think he would describe me as passionate. I think sometimes he may just use this word instead of saying “emotional.” Ha! I like to think it’s just the way God made me 😉
{3} You had a really silly fight. Embarrassing silly. What was it about?
Honestly, we are one of those couples who just don’t fight all that much. I attribute this to a long distance relationship for 2 years and through that we got really good at the whole communication thing. But I will be the first to say that the fights 99.9% of the time start from my end. For some reason, I think that Eric can always read my mind. And when he doesn’t read my mind and empty the dishwasher, clean up Nora’s toys or fold the load of laundry that’s sitting next to him on the couch without being asked, I get mad. Our fights are short lived and usually end with me apologizing for thinking he has superhuman abilities. Sigh….
{4} In three sentences (and only three!), describe where you both hope to be in 5 years.
I hope we are living on the farm in Nebraska and have a few good years of farming under our belt. Hopefully to have 2 or 3 more children, all who would be running around on our land in their cute little bare feet. I truly desire to be a stay at home mom – I hope that is still the case in 5 years.
{5} Tell us something about your husband we wouldn’t know from reading your blog.
Eric has the BEST butt. I mean it’s perfect. It was the very first thing that I noticed about him. I first remember seeing him working out in Hesston’s local gym. He was doing squats and right then and there, I knew he was special 🙂 He is totally going to kill me for writing this.
{6} What’s one thing you never thought you’d do in front of your husband, but you did?
Even though the first time I really saw/noticed him was at the gym, I am terrified of working out in front of him. Those who know me know that I am not the most coordinated person, and for some reason I always think that he will be less attracted to me if he would see me trying (key word – TRYING) to work out. I finally did this in front of him just over a month ago – and I’m still here, so I guess it really wasn’t that big of a deal after all 🙂
So there’s my spill. Happy Wednesday all!

I get so upset when Ian doesn't read my mind, too! 🙂 Silly guys.
Thanks so much for linking up with me!
But wouldn't it be wonderful if husbands could read our minds?!? And I love your "5 year plan"–sounds perfect 🙂
PS: Someone just gave me this tip recently and I thought I would share it with you! If you change your blogger reply settings, people can reply to you via e-mail. Here are the instructions she sent me in case you're interested! http://www.flusterbuster.com/2013/02/are-you-no-reply-blogger.html
Ah, thank you! I was actually wondering if there was something like this out there 🙂