Is it just me, or does it seem like every time my child wakes up, she is a whole new baby?!?! I mean, this little gal seemes to change every day, so much so, that I find myself tearing up at the smallest sign of her aging. And the past two weeks have been nothing BUT changes for Miss Nora. Therefore, there had been quite a bit of crying on my end. Oh, come on…as if you were surprised.
Her first, and most exciting trick she learned happened late last week. Nora finally started crawling!!!! Oh my word, she is everywhere! After almost two months of rocking back and forth, trying so hard to crawl and falling flat on her chubby face, she finally did it. I did have to bribe her with a trail of Cheerios the first time. That child will do anything for food. That, dear friends, she gets from her Daddy. Now she can crawl to her toy corner all by herself and pick out which toy she wants to play with (I’m crying just typing it). Shoes officially have to go in the closet or the following will ensue:
Her first, and most exciting trick she learned happened late last week. Nora finally started crawling!!!! Oh my word, she is everywhere! After almost two months of rocking back and forth, trying so hard to crawl and falling flat on her chubby face, she finally did it. I did have to bribe her with a trail of Cheerios the first time. That child will do anything for food. That, dear friends, she gets from her Daddy. Now she can crawl to her toy corner all by herself and pick out which toy she wants to play with (I’m crying just typing it). Shoes officially have to go in the closet or the following will ensue:
“Target spotted.”
“Moving in for the kill…”
“Victory is mine!!”
We can now officially use our “Pentagon of Doom” gates. After only having them up for a week, I can tell they are going to be such a lifesaver.
Along with being able to crawl, she is much more easily able to get to furniture. I will be sitting on the couch, drinking my coffee, when all of the sudden, I see little fingers and a small nose creep up over the coffee table.
And then she pulls her cute self up and joins me in my coffee drinking bliss….no, she hasn’t had any coffee yet. But she did manage to crawl up and dump my cup all over the floor this morning. Whoopsie daisie! She is a fast little rascal.
Another new trick is clapping. I never thought seeing two fat, dimpled hands smooshing together would be so cute! We were watching Pinocchio the other day and “I’ve got no strings” came on and she started clapping like a mad woman. I cried and clapped right along with her 🙂
Please excuse my horrific singing voice and laughter. I would not have posted this, but she was too cute not to do so.
The last new thing that she has REALLY picked up on this week is table food. She will eat almost anything off of our plates and loves it. I think she is going to be a cheese lover like her Momma, but have a sweet tooth like her Daddy. She still has total and complete rejection for anything other than her bottle. I have even bribed her with a Huskers Sippy cup and the child won’t go near it. Bottle snob 😉
Enjoying some ice cream that Daddy brought home 🙂
Yesterday was 50 cent corn dog day at Sonic – in my opinion, this day should be declared a national holiday. Eric decided to give Nora a little driving lesson while we (I) stuffed ourselves with mustard slathered corn dogs (yes, I am THAT person who always cheers for mustard to win during the condiment race at the Royal’s games).
** Please take note of how PEARLY WHITE Eric’s legs are compared to his arms and face. We desperately need to go to the pool. **
As Nora laid in her crib for her nap yesterday, I couldn’t help but snap this picture. I just sat in her room and rocked for a few minutes and listened to her Lullaby CD while she slept (most beautiful lullaby CD ever!). As fun as it is seeing her do all of these new things, hitting all of her milestones, I can’t help but want to keep moments like this imprinted on my heart forever.
“Hear me dear Jesus
Rock this little one to sleep
Keep her close when she’s scared
And give her grace when she is weak
I know she’ll stumble
But I know she’ll make it through
If you hold to her just like
You said you’d do
Hold her Jesus
So she’ll hold on tight to you.”
-Erin O’Donnell