Miss Andersyn, it’s hard to believe that your already one week old! My goodness how time is flying, little one! It’s plain to see over the past week that you fit right into our family and are the most perfect addition to our little farm down the old dirt road. You have added so much joy to our lives already in your first week of life, along with some pretty sleepless nights, but your Daddy, big sister and I think that we are going to keep you around for a little while π Here is what we have figured out about you so far:
Things You Like:
* Being cuddled – Unlike your big sister, Nora, you love to snuggle right into anyone’s chest and lay there for hours on end. This makes this Mommy’s heart overflow! You don’t seem to mind being held in any particular position, but if it’s up against someone with a warm body, you seem pretty happy!
* Your swing – As much as we would love to snuggle you 24/7, we have to try and get SOME things done around here! Luckily, you seem to enjoy the comfort and movement of your swing. Mommy is hoping that you continue to like this, especially since it gives me some good quality time playing with your sister with both of my hands π
* Nursing – You could stay at your Mommy’s chest and nurse all the time, and your a CHAMP at it, not to mention an absolute little piglet! This is something that we have been praying about for you almost since your conception. We met with a lactation consultant a couple of times this week, learned a few new tricks and you took to them like a pro. We even made it through two nights of intense cluster feedings and both came out on top. I think you and I make a pretty good team!
* Being outside – There have been a few times where you have been extra fussy, but walking around with your outside calms you right down. I think you might like the sunshine.
* Your pacifier….we think? – You don’t always take your pacifier, mainly when your really tired and fussy. Having said that, when you do decide to take it, you go to town on that thing!
* Being lightly swaddled – Most babies like a tight swaddle, but not you, my little dear! You like your swaddling blankets lightly wrapped around you with your arms out. I’m just glad we figured this one out sooner than later!
Things You Don’t Like:
* Waiting to be fed – Like I said before, you are our little piglet. You like to eat about every 2-3 hours, but when you want it, you want it right then and there, so we have already nursed in some interesting situations, like while swinging your sister outside, out in a field, on the tailgate of Daddy’s truck. Hey, we make it work!
* Getting your diaper changed/getting dressed – Good gracious girl, this is when we hear that set of pipes you have. We don’t even have to wipe your bottom, you start crying right when we undo your diaper. That being said, you seem to be getting better. You also don’t like wardrobe changes, which makes this baby fashion mama so sad!
* Bath time – The first bath at home was…well…loud and ugly. Hence, I was unable to document the event with pictures. It took all three of us (Me holding you, Daddy washing you, and Nora singing to you) to get the job done. I’m hoping this gets better soon!
* Gulping air – The first few days of your life, you would get so angry when you weren’t fed right away or when you had a tummy ache that you would swallow SO MUCH air when you would cry. It was a vicious cycle, but once my milk came in, no more screaming or swallowing air. Your a lot less tooty now, too π
You flail around like any newborn should. Lots of crazy, uncoordinated movements, mostly when your upset or having your diaper changed. You sleep most of the day, but tend to stay awake for a little while after each of your feedings. You enjoy looking around, always trying to find the light or a familiar face. You can’t see very far in front of you yet, but your big sister must know that because she is always right up in your face. You like to nurse every 2-3 hours during the day and just last night went almost 4 hours with out waking to eat. I’m hoping your starting to get your days and nights figured out! You respond to my voice more than anyone else’s. I guess that’s normal since you’ve been hearing me from the inside for a few months now. We’ve started a little tummy time every day, but you mainly just lay there and usually fall asleep π
What We Get To Do This Week:
All of Daddy’s family is coming into town for our annual Eberspacher Bonfire! I am probably going to be a little standoff-ish with you since your so little, but your Daddy and I are excited to show you off to our family; we are already so proud of you! We have your newborn and family pictures with Mommy’s friend Jasmin tomorrow. I’m hoping that you and your sister cooperate so we can get some cute pictures in your matching dresses.
I can’t wait for this next week of your life, Andersyn Joy. Even though we are only one week in, I think being your mom is pretty amazing. And I already love you more than I could ever imagine!
Here are some of my favorite pictures of your first week:

Love these pictures! I'm soo glad that nursing is going well! I've been praying for that since I found out you were pregnant too! π
Thank you Kim! I can't tell you how much that means to me that you have been praying for that. Not being able to nurse Nora was one of the hardest, saddest things ever for me, so it's just the biggest blessing!
Looks like you have adjusted perfectly to having two! Love all the pictures!
Thanks so much Carol! I'm really loving it π
So many sweet pics! Memories in the making. I love the laughter smiles of the last one…..the girls having fun! So happy for you.
Thanks Auntie Kathy! They are both such little sweeties π
oh girl! keep up the good work! blog about everything so i know just how to do it. and ps. you look absolutely amazing!