So today I forgot to do something that I almost always remember…. I forgot to put on my apron. Those of you who know me know that I LOVE my aprons, I hardly do any housework with out one on. I have a few (ahem, ten) and I so enjoy how each one is so different from the next. They each have different purposes; some I wear for cleaning, some for baking, some for cooking and one for my outside gardening. With out them, I am quite literally a mess. Take this morning for example; baking a pie and frying philly cheesesteaks with out an apron on gave my shirt quite a flour and oil bath. Luckily most of it will come out, by my favorite Nebraska Baseball shirt will forever have a few oil stains on it. I guess it would have paid to have started my day out with my apron ON and not shoved away in my pantry.
Starting our day off and covering ourselves in God’s word is the same way. So often I have found myself stumbling through my mornings, grasping just to get by, when I realize that I haven’t even given God or His Word a second thought. When if I just would have started my day off, even just with a simple, single scripture reading, my heart would have been covered and sheltered in His promises for me. Do you ever find yourself in that situation, too?
The good thing is that it is never too late in the day to cover ourselves in God’s Word and embrace His grace. One of my favorite passages of scripture is Galatians 5:22-26. Its says, (say it with me) “The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. Since we live my the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit. Let us not become conceited, provoking and envying of each other.” This is a wonderful truth and encouragement for each of us as we begin our days, reminding us of where our hearts should be as we go to our jobs, play with our kids, talk with our husbands and interact with others we come in contact with. These verses COVER our hearts and by keeping them in the forefront of our minds, protect us from falling into sin.
Let each of us remember to start off our day and cover our hearts and our minds in His truth and not keep the Word shoved away collecting dust. Because you never know when your going to come into contact with flying flour or spitting hot oil. And when those temptations and struggles arise, let’s be ready with His Word in our hearts and on our tongues.