Since we were out of the country all last week, I’m a bit late on posting Nora’s 11 month update. So many fun things have happened this past month for our big girl – always learning new things and perfecting old tricks. I tried to snap a few quick shots of her on her 11 month birthday while we were out of town, but she was slightly uncooperative. Adorable, but uncooperative, nonetheless 🙂
Nora is weighing in at about 21 pounds on our home scale, but sometimes I think she should weigh about 30 pounds the way this kid eats. She has three VERY full meals a day and we have even started ordering her her own kiddie meal if we go out to eat. Her favorites include: chicken, spaghetti, any type of fruit, red peppers, peas, Cheerios and ice cream. The only thing that we have had some trouble with getting her to eat this month are eggs, but we are working on it.
Nora is still on formula and takes about 5 bottles a day and I am really looking forward to switching her over to milk sometime in the next month. I will admit, I’ve been sneaking her chocolate milk and she can’t get enough of it. It makes it even more worth it to see her milk mustache when she is done drinking. I am also going to be trying to switch her over to JUST sippy cups this month. She is pretty stubborn and loves/prefers her bottles, so I’m praying it won’t be a terrible transition.
We went on loads of fun adventures this month and have learned so many new things!
1. Nora had her first two trips by plane to Colorado and Canada and she did much better than I expected! The key for her was to have lots of Cheerios and books on hand. She didn’t seem to have any trouble with her ears at all, which I was extremely thankful for! Our only problem was our flight home from Canada yesterday-I literally watched one of her top teeth push through her gums. The poor baby screamed bloody murder for over an hour and there was absolutely nothing I could do or give her that would help. Yep, we were THAT family with the screaming baby on the plane.
2. Our little girl continues to LOVE being in the water!! This month was full of new aqua experiences for Nora-visiting the hot springs in Colorado, filling the bath tub up with more water, numerous trips to the Hougland’s backyard pool, going to her first waterpark in Chilliwack and playing in the Vedder River in Canada. Hot or cold, she loves to get in the water and go crazy. I have loved watching her become a little fish!
3. Nora has become very vocal this month. On command she can say “Mama,” “Dada,” and “Baba.” (bottle). She likes to stand up and wave her arms in the air and yell. Sometimes she yells and me, sometimes the wall, sometimes out the front door. Whoever she is talking to, it’s absolutely adorable.
4. We are SO CLOSE to walking, friends! Nora has gotten so fast cruising around furniture and is finally standing up by herself for about 20-30 seconds at a time, but seems timid to take any steps without holding onto anything. She is a super fast crawler/climber and flies up the stairs as quick as a flash. At this point, it’s a lot easier and faster to crawl, so crawl we will. Walking will start when her stubborn soul is ready to start.
5. Teeth-we now have three. And she is starting to bite when she kisses-ouch!
6. Nora went to her first fair a couple of weeks ago! She loved looking at all the animals, eating fair food and people watching. Like mother, like daughter 🙂 I’m so proud!
7. Nora has been completely surrounded by both sides of our family this month and I can honestly say that it has made my heart so full! From watching her Aunties and Uncles in Nebraska play with her, to meeting all of my family in Canada, she was engulfed with people who loved her. And she was thrilled to be around so many little kids this past week. She tried to get in and play with them in the playroom, feeding them snacks, having them push her in the stroller…the list goes on and on. Not only was it a special time for her, but so cool for Eric and I to watch as well. We also found out that Nora is going to have a GIRL cousin in December! I am so excited to watch these little gals play and grow up together.
8. Pedicures a la Mommy-she has the cutest painted tosies you’ve ever seen! I tend to paint our toes the same color….the mini-me matching saga has begun….
9. Toys-she is enthralled with books! I often find her sitting in her corner flipping through page after page of her favorite stories and “reading” out loud to herself. It’s so cute! She also enjoys her shopping cart and groceries-lots of pulling everything out and then putting it all back in.
So that’s our past month of growing, learning and changing. I can’t believe that in less than a month my baby is going to be ONE. I’m sitting on the couch crying about it right now. Even though I’m so excited for her to continue to grow, there is a part of me that wants to make time stand still. I love this age so much and it is a joy to watch her personality explode day after day. I can hardly wait to see what the rest of this month brings as we enjoy our last couple of weeks with and infant and officially move into toddlerhood. Gives me the itch for another little one 😉 Patience, Lauren, patience….
Happy 11 months, sweet Eleanor Sue. I love you and I am so proud to be your Mommy!

So sweet! They just grow way too fast!