How Many Weeks Along? 15 Weeks
Size of Baby: An orange
Gender: Still don’t know
Weight Gain: Up 1 pound this week, probably due to the mass amounts of Verenica I ate on Saturday at the MCC sale. Up 2 pounds total
Maternity Clothes: Yep, wearing them lots, mainly when we go out somewhere. Other than that I’m in my typical t-shirt and work out pants playing with Nora.
Movement: Yes, lots more movement this week. I still have to be laying pretty still to be able to feel it, but I have felt a couple of actual “kicks” this week, which has been so fun. Excited for them to be easier to feel.
Symptoms: My nausea continues to be controlled as long as I take my meds. I did throw up once this week – made me all the more grateful that I’m feeling as well as I have been. I took a fall down some hard wood steps this week at my in-law’s house. Not a long fall, but it was really hard. I have some pretty awesome bruises on my arms and left butt cheek to prove it (no pictures included). I started cramping right afterwards and cramped for about an hour or two, but wasn’t bleeding, but I called the nurse just to be on the safe side. She told me to drink a big glass of water and lay down for a few hours. Luckily, that made the cramps stopped and I have felt the baby move ever since, so no problems since then. It was definitely scary!
Sleep: Been sleeping really well when we haven’t had interruptions: ie, Nora up coughing with a bad cold, coyotes/Lucy and, the most recent as of last night, mice trapped in our bedroom wall right next to our head board. I know, it’s an exciting life we lead.
Cravings: I still am loving me some Peanut Butter Eggs and coffee has FINALLY started to taste good again. I sadly am finding myself craving greasy fast food. Luckily there isn’t much of it around us, but it always sounds good.
Best Moment of the Week: My parents and brother came for a quick over night visit Sunday-Monday and we really had a great time with them. It was fun to show them around the farm and play outside all weekend in the nice weather. Feeling actual kicks from the baby this week was pretty amazing, too!
Looking Forward To: We have a doctor’s appointment tomorrow and get to hear our little one’s heartbeat again. I have been looking forward to it since we heard it a month ago 🙂 It never gets old! I’m also feeling good enough that I’m going to start (today!) working out again. Not anything major, just some walking, jogging and arm exercises, but I’m really grateful I’m feeling well enough to start doing something that helps my body again.

I am so glad everything is okay!! What a scare to fall. I loved listening to the heartbeat… that is so much fun! Good luck tomorrow, you look great, by the way!
Thank you so much Alisha! You make me feel cute in my in between chubby stage 🙂