How Far Along? 17 weeks
Size of Baby: A turnip
Gender: 3 more weeks…..time is crawling!
Weight Gain: No weight gain this week. Up 3 pounds total.
Maternity Clothes: Still loving my maternity jeans through the week and a few fun tops.
Movement: So many fun little kicks! I have even felt a few from the outside, but Eric is yet to catch one. They are definitely getting easier to feel. I love it 🙂
Symptoms: Nausea was, again, improving this week. Energy levels are great and I enjoyed our Easter weekend to the fullest, physically! I have had a couple of head aches, but am thankful for my visits to the chiropractor as needed. Nora and I both had a tummy bug this week and I lost about 3 pounds, including my “bump,” which turned out to be mostly bloat. I mourned the loss of my bump for a day or two, but after eating all that good Easter food and candy this weekend, I have a little bit of a bump again, but certainly not as much as I did before. Oh well.
Sleep: Sleeping great! Loving my body pillow and little fan on our dresser.
Cravings: Ego waffles. I know, totally random and not healthy, but I have had two every morning over the past week and they tasted so good!
Best Moment of the Week: It was really fun having both mine and Eric’s family here for the Easter weekend. We started a couple of new traditions that my parents did with my brother and I, and it was fun to start them with Nora. Baby Dakota was here and Nora had a totally different attitude towards her this visit. She wanted to hold and hug and kiss her all weekend. She kept bringing her burp clothes, toys and pacifiers. I think we have a great big sister in the making 🙂
Looking Forward To: We are **hopefully** going to start planting this week. We have gotten a lot done on our house this past week due to the ground being too wet to plant on, but now it’s go time. Eric is anxious to get our crop in the ground ASAP so hopefully we will be harvesting before this little baby comes in September. Only time will tell!!

You look so good, sweet girl!!
Also, love your phone case, so cute!!
Thanks friend, your so sweet!
You look adorable…. but please – no more ego waffles. Go get some organic frozen waffles… Mainstream brands are all GMO ingredients. Just look at what GMOs are linked to: autism, cancer, alzheimer's, adhd, infertility,etc… sad
Hope you had a wonderful Easter! Nora is so cute 🙂 Look forward to seeing her become a big sister!
The McGuire Family
Thanks for the info, Christina!! I will check into those next time we are near a big city. Thanks for stopping by!