How Many Weeks Along: 39 weeks
Size of Baby: a watermelon. And I feel massive.
Gender: A little baby girl
Weight Gain: Up one pound this week, up 22 pounds total. So weird, that’s exactly how much I gained in my pregnancy with Nora!
Movement: The last couple of days she has been moving like crazy. It’s been pretty uncomfortable, but I’m cherishing every moment and kick because I know it’s not going to last much longer!
Symptoms: I have had terrible nausea, vomiting and just plain exhaustion this week. It’s been accompanied by some head aches, which makes sense because my blood pressure has been pretty high. Trying to rest up and conserve my energy this weekend for the big day Monday!
Maternity Clothes: Yes, enjoying wearing some of them for the last time for a while.
Sleep: I heart Unisom. The end.
Cravings: In general… Chocolate.
Best Moment of the Week: Our little Nora has been having some problems with getting stuck in “trances” and staring off into space. She had an EEG this week to see if she was having silent seizures or not. We breathed a huge sigh of relief when we got the call today stating that her tests were clear and that we just need to continue to monitor her. Made this mama’s heart so happy!
Looking Forward To: Eric and I are going out tonight for one last night before baby girl #2 comes Monday. We are headed out for sushi and a movie. I’m also looking forward to Sunday, just a day to relax as a family of 3. Everything is ready for this girl to be born and come home next week, so we are really not stressed at all at this point.
We just ask that as we go in to be induced Monday that you pray for a safe, and fast, delivery of our sweet baby girl. We are so excited to meet her, but know that bringing a new life into the world is serious stuff. Also be praying that Nora adjusts well over the next few weeks. It’s going to be a big change for all of us, but mostly for her. I’m so excited to see this precious face that I have dreamt of for so long now. And I can’t wait to share the news with you once she arrives!

I've so loved reading your updates each week! Enjoy your last day as a family of three today!
Thanks Trisha! I'm SO EXCITED for you and Josh and your new little girl on the way!
here you go gal! my very very best wishes are with you…and i'm also so jealous. congratulations!!!! i'm so so enjoyed sharing our pregnancy journey for our second gals. is that weird? probably a little. 🙂
Thank you for your sweet wishes. Your not too far behind me, friend. Soon your going to be bringing Turtle #2 back to YOUR farm! And I, too, have loved sharing our pregnancies together. If it's weird, then we can be weird together 😉
Love your dress! A big congrats to you as your family grows!
Thanks Tara!