Friday is here friends!!! Although I have a dentist appointment today (yuck!), this Friday is the best one in a long time. When Eric gets off work today, he is on vacation until January 3rd!! Nora and I are looking forward to two whole weeks of having Eric to ourselves for Christmas break. It’s going to be great! With that being said, I thought I’d do my 5 on Friday with a Christmas twist of our family the last few weeks. Here we go!
1. Nora and Santa Clause
I have to say, I was pretty proud of Nora meeting Santa this year. She took off and tried to run when she got close to him, but then he called out to her and said he had candy and she went running right up to him and plopped on his lap. If you look closely, you can see that she has about 5 candy canes clutched in her little hands. Anything for candy :)

Enjoying everything that Bass Pro has to offer
2. Crown Center at Christmas
We took Nora to Crown Center last week for her first dinner at Fritz’s. For those of you who have never been there (for shame, it’s so fun!), Fritz’s is a train themed kid-friendly restaurant which your food is brought to you via an electric train system that runs along the ceiling of the dining area. It was so fun watching Nora point to the trains as they whizzed overhead. And she looked adorable in her conductors hat!
3. Our Tree
I know I am biased, but I love our Christmas tree. Obviously, Nora does, too 🙂 It has been so great having it lit up the past month or so and enjoying the comfort it’s warm lights and glow brings to our home. Nora and I have been busy wrapping gifts the past few weeks and it’s a joy to see the bottom of our tree filled with gifts for our family and friends.
4. Christmas Parties
We had two parties to go to this year. The first was Eric’s work party. It was nice and simple this year. The pruning department rented out half the bar at Tanner’s and we spent the evening eating awesome bar food and enjoying cold drinks. It was awesome, relaxing fun.
Of course, Nora wanted in on a picture before we left her with Grandma and Grandpa for the night
The second party we had was for our entire family. My mom’s best friend from high school, who I affectionately call my Aunt Connie, has a Christmas party every year at the Saddle and Sirloin Club near her house in Loch Lloyd. Her parties are always fabulous and this year was no exception. I, of course, always love the excuse to dress up in something other than jeans and a cute shirt, so I was super pumped to wear my new dress from Zuzu’s.
My little family
Me and my girl
My hot date 🙂
5. Smiles and JOY!!
We have some exciting news at the Eberspachers….WE SOLD OUR HOUSE!!! We close on January 29th and after that, look out Milford, Nebraska!! The next generation of Eberspachers are moving back your way. We are thrilled that we sold our house to an awesome, young Christian family, who oddly enough have a little girl Nora’s age. It feels so good to know that the stress of having the house on the market is gone and that I can happily go forward with all my Christmas baking and not worry about keeping everything perfectly clean. We are feeling mighty blessed this week. It was the best Christmas gift possible.
Sweet smiles and cuddles with my happy girl
So happy Friday to all my blogging friends! I pray that your Christmas week is beautiful and joyful, filled with the love of God that was sent to us so many years ago in a humble manger. Thank you Lord for sending your Son to save the sins of the world!

Congratulations on selling your house, Lauren! Such an answer to prayer!
Thank you friend!!
Love the pics~ your tree is pretty! New follower! Stop by and say hello! Merry Christmas!
Thanks so much for stopping by my blog!
Love the Santa picture! 🙂 We love Bass Pro shop too!
Yay for Bass Pro!! They really know what they are doing with Christmas!
Yeah. I'd think so. Glad you've put all that tension behind, as selling real estate is a volatile venture sometimes. Though one can stabilize this, by, say, getting a good bead on market movements and trends. And making that consistent. In any case, good deal, from the looks of things.
Blair @ Creb Now
Looks like it had been a fun week! Anyway, congratulations on selling your house! I’m sure the new owners will take good care of it, just as you did.
Steve Jamieson