AKA 1/2 a year (a week ago). Say what?!?!
Andersyn Joy
Weight-17 pounds 1 ounce
Length-25.5 inches
Clothes-Mostly 6-9 months, some 9-12. In size 3 diapers, but I think we will be moving up to size 4 soon!
Schedule- Andi gets up at 730 on the dot every morning. She goes about her day on a 3 hour schedule. Wake, eats then plays for 2-2.5 hours then naps for 30 minutes at a time. Eats either a fruit or veggie at lunch every day. Goes to bed at 830, wakes once to nurse at 5am. Then goes back to sleep until 730. We are hoping to drop that feeding this month!
Likes- Being held, watching Nora play, chewing on everything, eating baby food, nursing, sitting and army crawling/sliding, her pacifier, bring naked, playing peek a boo with her big sister, being in the baby carrier, walking in the stroller (sometimes!), bath time is a favorite as well as being outside.
Dislikes- Sitting still for too long, wearing lots of clothes (she gets so hot and sweaty!), having her nose wiped, when Nora hugs her too hard 🙂 getting stuck in the crib bars at night, being covered by blankets while in her car seat, being tickled.
Milestones- Andi is an overachiever. She started sitting up all alone right after she turned 5 months old. Honestly, she hardly ever falls over and loves sitting up seeing the world around her! She tries to army crawl and slides everywhere she can. I think she will be full on crawling before we know it. She can stand alone while holding onto the side of her crib and continued to love her bouncer, she just jumps to her heart’s content in that thing! She has lots more reactive sounds coming out of her these days and still laughs a lot! She has tried lots of baby food and loves them all, and I’ve even tried my hand at homemade baby food, which she likes, too. Her dexterity improves everyday and I’m always amazed at how much she truly loves to investigate everything around her.
We had a health scare this month with the girls having whooping cough. Andersyn had it the worst of them, and was quite miserable for a few days, but is back to her normal self. We were surprised she got it, as we are all up to date on vaccinations, but there is only so much you can do. I’m just thankful we caught it SUPER early!
Although this month was hard health wise, Andi really took a turn (for the good) and has become a much happier baby this month! She is less tearful/screaming and her overall attitude is much more joyf. She really is so fun to be around, especially if she gets her naps in 🙂 she is just this sweet, CHUNKY baby and I often find myself nibbling on her rolls and lotioning her skin just to “butter” her up, like a little piglet. I love her beyond words and I’m so proud to be her Mommy. However, we move into our new house a week from today and she will finally have her own room. She is one roommate that I won’t mind kicking out after the past 6 months 🙂

Those rolls are to DIE for!!!!! I can't believe the girls got whooping cough! So scary! Glad it was not worse!!!
Oh…I'd love to just squeeze and smoosh her! I hear one of the other aunties will be doing that this weekend. Enjoy that precious time together.
So glad that little sweetie pie is feeling better. LOVE the pictures. It is crazy to see how your girls look similar, yet totally unique. Just beautiful.
wery nicee
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