Not all superheroes wear capes.
They wear t-shirts and jeans and a trusty old ball cap. They step up and scrub dishes after the family leaves the table. They dry pots and pans and put things back in the drawers where they don’t belong. But it doesn’t matter. They always come in and silently save the day, one dish at a time.
Not all superheroes wear capes.
They wear yoga pants and t-shirts with spit up on the shoulder. They burp babies and change diapers and fold laundry. They wake at all hours to tend to the cries of the night. They don’t have a shield and they can’t crash through walls. But they always know what to say and they have the perfect spot to snuggle into on their chest.
Not all superheroes wear capes.
They wear night gowns and boxers shorts, tag teaming with kids in the middle of the night. One getting a bottle, the other helping the toddler go potty. They re-tuck little bodies back into bed and kiss tiny foreheads with sleepy smiles. Their battle call is the creaking of the floor boards as they move from room to room and finally back into their own bed, only to be called out again.
Not all superheroes wear capes.
They wear their favorite pair of sparkly earrings and a rarely worn collared shirt. She doesn’t smell like spit up and he smells like Abercrombie and Fitch. They find a few quiet hours and hold hands across the table instead of holding diaper bags and car seats, and talk about their dreams and the past. It’s in these moments that they FEEL like one another’s hero, like it did in the early years. But then they remember.
Not all superheroes wear capes.
They wear strength and patience, kindness and loyalty. They step up when they are needed and step in when life seems too hard. He leads and doesn’t pull, she follows but doesn’t push. Saving one another day after day, standing in the trenches and trusting the One Who created them to serve with one another. They have grown into the hero that the other person has needed because of love.
No, not all superheroes wear capes.
But they do wear love.

<3 <3<3