Whew! What a whirlwind of a week! Hip! Hip! Hooray! that the weekend is just around the corner! Here are some fun things that have been happening this week out at the farm for our family “stay”-cation!

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Whew! What a whirlwind of a week! Hip! Hip! Hooray! that the weekend is just around the corner! Here are some fun things that have been happening this week out at the farm for our family “stay”-cation!
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Today I’m so excited to be linking up with Karli at September F A R M for Oh Hey, Friday!! She is a fellow farm gal, mama to one sweet little girl with another on the way, we both have smokin’ hot farmer’s and I LOVE her blog! So here is what I’m loving this week!
Leslie Lukens Martin says
So glad I found you through the link-up! Love your little space! And lil Miss Nora is too cute for words…especially with that ice cream cone!
Hey thanks so much for stopping by! And yes, any child with an ice cream cone smeared on her face is totally adorable 🙂
Ice cream.. it's been a dang hot summer. I could actually go for some right now! And your little miss is so cute! Congrats on baby #2!
Yes, it's been so hot here I've been having a bowl almost every afternoon myself 🙂 thanks for stopping by!
Courtney says
We've gone to DQ two times already this week. Not pregnant. No judgies.
Can you believe that I have never ridden a horse!? Isn't that crazy!
Wait, you've NEVER ridden a horse? We need to change that friend!
Calamity Lace says
Sweet corn is one of my favorite things about summer! Growing up I can remember spending hours shucking many toe sacks of corn.
Oh girl, we shucked for hours last week! It was totally worth it, tho 🙂 Thanks for stopping by!!
Lisa Loves John says
Such great family photos! And you couldn't have a more perfect baby bump!!
Thank you so much! It's nice to get a few nice family shots in something other than work clothes every once in a while 🙂 thanks for checking out my blog!
Brownie says
Dropping by from Oh Hey Friday! What a beautiful family you have. Mmmm corn got any shoe peg corn? I love that stuff. All we have here is silver queen. Your little girl is a heart melter! Have a great weekend.
Hey there!! No shoe peg here, but we do ambrosia every year and LOVE it!! And thank you, she melts our hearts everyday 🙂
t.howell says
Hey girl! I've been following your blog for a little bit now and wanted to pass on a little thing I just received. The Liebster Award. Check out my post. Pass it on! Look forward to hearing more!!
So sweet of you!! Thank you for that and for following along!!
What an amazing time that looks like. I love love love the picture of Nora by herself on the the football field and the one where she is on the trampoline with her daddy. I'm glad you had a good weekend!
That looks like a good time. My husband loves Nebraska and that trip to the stadium he'd go nuts over.