How far along: 4 weeks
Size of baby: Poppy seed
Gender: Won’t know that for a while. Still just excited that there is a baby in my tummy!
Weight Gain: None (yet!) Still way too early for that. Starting out at 134 lbs (thank you, Holiday food).
Maternity Clothes: Not yet, but so excited to break out some of the clothes I wore when I was pregnant with Nora. I also can’t WAIT to do a little maternity shopping at H&M!
Nursery: Seeing as our house isn’t even built yet, definitely not. Little Baby Spach #2 will be bunking with us for a while in the guest house.
Movement: Totally no. But I’m already looking forward to feeling those weird, swirling butterflies!
Symptoms: The first two days were great. Eric and I had already been praying relentlessly for no nausea with this pregnancy, but three days in I already feel it. It’s different than “I’m sick with the flu” nausea, and I woke up knowing immediately what it was. Only time will tell how long it lasts. It let up with Nora at about 18 weeks or so, but I’m hoping for earlier this time around. The girls are also pretty sore :). But honestly, I’m just grateful that I am feeling this way, because that means I’m pregnant!
Sleep: No complaints here. But I did have to take Benadryl the night that we found out we were pregnant because I was too excited to sleep π
Cravings: None yet. With Nora it was Chinese food and cheese pizza. We will see with this one.
Best Moment This Week: Finding out I was pregnant and telling Eric. I had this really weird feeling that I needed to take a test (in the afternoon and at only 3 weeks along, weird!) and the result came up positive almost immediately! When he came home from work later that afternoon, I had Nora walk up to him and hand him the test. He was like, “Are you serious?!?” He was so excited and it was an awesome moment! I peed on three more sticks that night π That evening we went out to celebrate at our favorite sushi bar (restrictions for me of course), Friends CafΓ©, and told both of our parents later that night.
Looking Forward To: The feeling of being pregnant becoming more real! I am already looking forward to our first doctor’s appointment, which sadly isn’t until the end of Feburary π
I have so many emotions swirling through my head right now: complete excitement, slight disbelief, surprised that we found out so early about this baby at 3 weeks and 1 day, nervous since this news comes less than a week before we move to Nebraska. And then I had feeling I wasn’t expecting to feel….the sudden guilt that in about 9 months, my love and attention will have to be split between two children. Insert Mommy sobs here. Honestly, I’m glad I am feeling this today and not 8 months from now. I really want to focus lots of attention towards one-on-one time with Nora in this new season of life and cherish every moment I have with JUST her. But today, I am enjoying extra snuggles and reading time with little Nora and thanking God for this unbelievable blessing of carrying this baby. I am so in love already.
How far along? 5 weeks, confirmed today with an early ultrasound!
Size of baby: A sweet little orange seed π
Gender: Not for a while yet.
Maternity clothes: None yet, but the bloating has made me unbutton my pants a few nights after dinner this week.
Nursery: Heavens no. But I’m pinning like a mad woman.
Movement: Nope.
Symptoms: Continued nausea and vomiting. But this mama is very grateful that I got in to see my OB here in KC before we officially move to Nebraska on Wednesday and I got me some Zofran. Holla! I’m super bloated and constipated, way more than I ever was with Nora and my “chest area” is on pins and needles – again, so grateful to be blessed with this child and the symptoms that come along with it.
Sleep: Been getting up once to use the bathroom, but my sleep has been disturbed more this week due to little Nora. We think the poor dear is having night terrors – last night we were up for 4 hours with an on again-off again screaming. Makes this mama’s heart hurt π
Cravings: Ginger Ale has sounded good this week to help my nausea. But I was randomly craving dried beef and cream cheese rolled up with a pickle one evening this week, and my mom bought the WRONG type of pickles and I cried about it. Oops.
Best Moment this week: We had our ultrasound to confirm pregnancy today. Was still too early to hear the heartbeat, but seeing that little sack and fetal pole was beautiful – I love this child of ours so much already! My folks threw us a going away party last night and we had a blast! It was so fun have all of our closest friends in one place before we left. I must admit, it was hard not to spill the beans about our little bean. We also got to tell Eric’s sisters about the baby today. So fun to make them all Aunties again!
Looking Forward To: Officially moving back to Milford in a couple of days and starting to get a good routine down. Hoping that will get rid of Nora’s night terrors, thus giving us all a good nights rest. And looking forward to being able to use Zofran this week whenever I want to π
How far along? 6 weeks
Size of Baby:
Gender: Not for a while.
Maternity Clothes: None yet.
Nursery: In our dreams π
Movement: None, but I’m already so anxious to feel it!
Symptoms: This past week everything kicked in for sure. Nausea is officially here around the clock, but only vomiting about once a day. Constipation and bloating has been horrible, but I know it will pass soon. Food aversions also came up this week-one morning I could drink coffee and craved the smell of it and the next morning it made me barf. Also pretty against red pasta sauce, tomato soup and salad. Again, excited for the day that these will pass, but right now just munching on crackers!
Sleep: Been sleeping well, besides the last few nights that I’ve been up with a terrible cold and Lucy barking out our window all night long at coyotes.
Cravings: Taco Bell (but I always crave that) and milkshakes.
Best Moment This Week: We went into Lincoln today to look at windows for the new house which was really exciting! We are also in the middle of a good old fashioned snow storm here in Milford, so we are going to hunker down and drink hot cocoa and watch a movie tonight!
Looking Forward To: My folks are coming into town this weekend and we are going to make a few small window decorations for the guest house. Excited to have them here and I know that Nora will be thrilled to see them!
How Many Weeks Along: 7 weeks
Size of Baby: A little blueberry
Gender: Nope
Maternity Clothes: None yet, but my pants felt a bit tight around the waist this week.
Nursery: None. But excited to have that little pack and play beside our bed in about 7 months π
Movement: None yet. I keep waking up dreaming that I’m feeling the baby move. So weird!
Symptoms: I threw up. All. Week. Long. It was a hard week for me. The round the clock Zofran seems to help some, but it made me super constipated and bloated to the max this week. I remember being nauseous with Nora, but I don’t remember feeling this sick. Maybe the sign of a boy?
Sleep: No complaints this week, just the continued coyotes yipping right outside of our window.
Cravings: I wouldn’t say I craved it, but grapefruit has tasted good all week and stayed down pretty well.
Best Moment of the Week: When my folks were in town, they took us to Olive Garden and for once in the past few weeks I wasn’t feeling sick. A few hours later, it all came back up, but it was SO NICE to eat something that tasted really good. And of course it was an absolute joy to have my folks at the farm for the weekend. I just wish I would have felt better to be able to enjoy them more.
Looking Forward To: Eric’s folks get back tonight from Haiti and we are really looking forward to hearing about their missions trip. Patrick, Lis and baby Dakota come out this weekend for baby’s first trip to the farm. I am SO EXCITED to see them!
How Far Along? 8 Weeks
Size of Baby: A raspberry (Yum!)
Gender: Don’t know yet.
Maternity Clothes: Not yet, but I have ALREADY had to use the rubber band trick a few days on my jeans this week. I have a little bump of bloat, but now it never goes away. Excited to break out my new belly band and some cute tops!
Nursery: Can we just skip this the rest of my pregnancy?
Movement: No, but every time I have a twinge of gas I get a little excited lol!
Symptoms: Nausea and vomiting is maybe a hair better this week, taking Zofran around the clock, and every once in a while some Phenergan when it’s unbearable. Fatigue has definitely improved, although I always welcome a mid afternoon nap with Nora π Been having round ligament pain this week. My hips and back are moving and stretching!
Sleep: Sleep has been ok. Still restless with Lucy barking at the coyotes at night and usually getting up once to use the bathroom at about 2a.m.
Cravings: Not really craving anything per say because of the relentless nausea. But I did eat some Wavy Lays potato chips this weekend and they tasted amazing! Not so much on the way back up, but at least I enjoyed them for a few moments on the way down.
Best Moment of the Week: I had THREE separate people ask me if I was pregnant this week. I successfully lied and was quite proud of myself. I could feel people looking at my tummy at church on Sunday. I’m not sure how much longer I’m going to be able to hide the bloat.
Looking Forward To: We are finally getting together with our friends Dolen and Kati this week here in town and I CAN’T WAIT! Starting to plan a trip back to KC in a couple of weekends, and I’m already looking forward to that as well π
How Many Weeks Along: 9 weeks
Size of Baby: Green Olive
Gender: Won’t find that out for a while.
Maternity Clothes: I still have a little bloat-bump. I wore my first maternity shirt around the house the other day and have been wearing my belly band with most of my jeans. I still have one pair that buttons, but that’s it!
Nursery: No, but I have been having a good time looking for ideas on Pinterest!
Movement: Not yet, but I did wake up from a dream again thinking I felt them. Silly dreams!
Symptoms: This week was full of lots of nausea and vomiting…again. Smells are continuing to bother me, especially meat smells, but I think it might be getting a little bit better. I still can’t poop to save my life, which is just so glamorous. Down about 3 pounds from my starting weight.
Sleep: I had a hard time falling asleep this week, so I took some Benadryl last night and slept like a baby. It was glorious! I also got out my body pillow this week, since it’s starting to get uncomfortable to sleep on my tummy already.
Cravings: Oddly enough, I wanted an Egg McMuffin from McDonald’s this morning. I normally hate them, so it was a bit odd to me that I wanted one so bad.
Best Moment of the Week: We went out to a new sushi place called Hiro88 with Kati and Dolen Saturday night and the sushi was wonderful!! I paid for it and was up half of the night throwing up, but it was SO worth every bite! I haven’t enjoyed a meal like that in such a long time.
Looking Forward To: We FINALLY have our first appointment with my new doctor on Wednesday! Which means we FINALLY get to see our baby, not just the fetal pole we saw at our 5 week appointment. I am on pins and needles with excitement! We also get to go back to KC to visit my family this weekend, and I’m really looking forward to it.
How Many Weeks Along? 10 weeks. Whoa, double digits!
Size of Baby: A little prune.
Gender: For some reason this week I was thinking boy?
Maternity Clothes: I did the best thing ever this week. I bought maternity pants! H&M had the perfect pair of straight leg, dark jeans that were calling my name from the moment I picked them up. I love them to the moon and back! I also bought a few long sleeved shirts this week since next to none of my shirts fit anymore.
Nursery: No π
Movement: No movement, but hoping to start feeling it next month or so!
Symptoms: I am writing this week’s update a few days late. Friends, I thought I was going to have to go to the ER on Monday. I can’t remember how many times I threw up/dry heaved. I’ve never felt worse in my whole life. I cried the entire day and didn’t eat anything until a piece of toast at 10pm that night. I am really praying that I don’t ever have another day like that again. The past two days have been better, I think my Protonix that Dr. Friesen prescribed last week are finally kicking in and helping with some reflux/Eustachian tube dysfunction issues. Lots of round ligament pain this week along with a sore (and bulging, yes!) chest. My bump is pretty obvious now, and it’s fun to look down and see our little baby growing.
Sleep: Sleep has been pretty good for the most part – using my body pillow at night with great joy π
Cravings: Chipotle’. But then I threw it up and haven’t craved it since.
Best Moment of the Week: Although we didn’t get the ultrasound we thought we were going to at the OB, we DID get to hear the heartbeat. It was beautiful and perfect. In the 160’s and galloping away!
I also haven’t thrown up since Monday night. Whoop! Whoop!
Looking Forward To: Eric is playing in his annual alumni tournament this weekend and I’m really looking forward to watching him play! We are also starting to tell close family and friends about the baby this week, and that is always fun to hear everyone’s reaction. Most people have been pretty surprised so far π
How May Weeks Along? 11 weeks (writing this a few days late) Due date per the sonogram now puts me at about 12 weeks (EDD Sept 27th) but my OB prefers EDD of Sept 30th due to my LMP.
Size of Baby: A little lime π
Gender: Couldn’t see at our ultrasound quite yet, but I’m still getting a boy vibe.
Total Weight Gain: Still 134 pounds. I lost about 5 due to morning sickness, but I’ve already gained it all back this week.
Maternity Clothes: A lot of my bloat went away this week (finally!), but I still have enough of a bump to wear my belly band and a couple of small maternity tops under some cardigans. The area below my belly button is super firm!
Nursery: I think I’m going to skip this one from now on π
Movement: None yet, but after watching our baby move ALL OVER the place during the sonogram, one would think I would feel something soon. This little one was rolling all around and side to side. So fun!
Symptoms: My nausea SIGNIFICANTLY improved this past week! I honestly felt like a new person now that I haven’t thrown up in 8 days!! I am still getting nauseous through the day, but it’s not anything to complain about, comparatively speaking. I got a new symptom this week – backne. Yep, it’s not just on my face anymore but my neck and back. I am reliving my life as a 14 year old. Can you say glamorous? Continuing to feel lots of stretching and pulling in the hip region. My ear canal is now completely opened and I’m having no further issues opening my jaw. Maybe it’s because I’m not throwing up 24/7?
Sleep: Have been having a hard time getting comfortable/breathing at night, so I’m trying some Unisom tonight to see if that helps. The crazy thing…I’m continuing to have my pregnancy induced Harry Potter dreams. I fly on brooms and wave my wand in my sleep all night long. However, I am yet to meet up with Lord Voldemort. Maybe in my 3rd trimester?
Cravings: I want (need) a Rueben sandwich. And a milkshake.
Best Moment of the Week: Watching our little baby do acrobatics during the ultrasound and hearing the heartbeat again. I am constantly being reminded of (again) what a precious miracle and blessing this baby is. Words can’t describe how thankful we are for a healthy baby. I also really enjoyed going out for a DQ date with Eric after our appointment. I love getting to spend some extra time with him on appointment days! We got to tell all of our friends and family who didn’t know about the baby yesterday and it was so exciting to finally let the word out! To be honest, it was also hard for me. I have three friends who are either, having difficulty conceiving or have recently lost babies, and it was time to tell them. I wanted to be honest, but sensitive, as I love each of these women with everything in me. I feel very blessed that my friends were overly supportive and excited for us. Normally I wouldn’t post about something like this on here, but I want to remember this part of our journey, as it’s been something that I’ve been praying about (literally) since the day we found out we were expecting. Another huge answer to prayer!
Looking Forward To: I am headed back to KC on Sunday with Nora to work at the clinic for a few days. I’m excited to spend some time with my folks and be back at work for a little while. I secretly miss that place quite a bit π

Love these! I am so happy for your sweet family! I can't wait to read the (hopefully) weekly update!!
Thanks Alisha π Hopefully I can keep up with the weekly updates!
The first picture…wow. Such a beautiful moment you captured! Congratulations, so happy for you, Lauren!
Thanks Carli! We are so excited, and I, too, am so glad we snapped that first picture with Nora!