We always enjoy having guests in our home from out of town. But nothing is as special as out of town family. Especially when they are very eager grandparents of a certain strawberry blonde babe. It makes it even more special when Great Grandma comes along. Eric’s folks have been busy calving the past few weeks, and with just a few left to go, they decided to come down for a quick overnight stay. They haven’t seen Nora since New Years, and it was about time they were reunited. We were so glad that Grandma Joyce decided to join them as well – we love that sweet lady to bits.
We didn’t have anything in particular planned for our weekend – just lots of cuddling, catching up and, of course, cooking and eating. It was so fun to watch them interact with Nora and see how much she has changed in the past 2 months. Since they saw her last, she is rolling all over the place, sitting up, eating solids and babbling up a storm. Friday night I made chicken spaghetti and I tried my hand at a new cake from Auntie Kathy’s website, Mennonite Girls Can Cook, white cake with meringue frosting and it was super yummy! I’ve never made a cake with a meringue coating on it and was a bit nervous to try, but it turned out really good! However, we are not huge coconut people, so I skipped the last few steps of sprinkling it on the cake 🙂