I feel like I put Nora to sleep in her crib last night and she woke up a different baby this morning. Maybe my mind is just playing tricks on me since today is her 6 month birthday, but I feel like she woke up with this “big girl” smile and personality today. Made me smile from ear to ear (ok, I might have cried a little bit, too).
But yes, today was her 6 month birthday. It’s so crazy that she has been here with us for a half of a year. Who knew that the past 6 months could have been so beautiful (and maybe a bit tiresome at times, haha!) I did a little photo shoot for Easter with her yesterday and today. I may or may have not gone a bit overboard. Honestly, it was just too much. Too much preciousness, that is 🙂
Luckily, she was super good through me taking all of these ridiculous pictures of her. She was quite enthralled with the pastel eggs and, to my surprise, didn’t try and take her bunny ears off. Must be all that good training I’ve done making her wear her bows since her first moments here on earth.
Some fun things she has done this month: continues to roll over from her back to her tummy, but still hasn’t gotten from her tummy to her back. This has become quite problematic in the middle of the night on more than one occasion. She ALWAYS wants to be sitting up on her own or be helped to stand. Laying down is just not much of an option anymore, which made our monthly pictures difficult. But it has made going for walks so much fun! She loves to sit upright in her stroller and see the world around her. She just sits there and babbles to herself while we walk. I love hearing her talk to herself. She has found another new love this week – peaches. The girl can’t get enough of them! She appears to have a thing for orange colored baby food. Nothing else seems to float her boat at this point. I’m guessing she weighs about 18 pounds now, give or take, but we will find out next week at her 6 month appointment (and shots. Yikes!) We are going to have to move to the next car seat soon, however, as her feet are just starting to hang over the one she is in now. Gotta love those long legs!!
This week has been kind of emotional for me – good and bad. Maybe it was the fact that she is getting bigger everyday, maybe it’s that Easter is coming, or maybe I’ve just been super emotional for no reason at all – who knows…. But this week it truly hit home for me that having your own kid changes EVERY facet of your life, right down to the smallest thoughts you might have. The past week or so I have been reflecting on what Jesus did on the cross for us so many years ago. And even greater, what he did three days later. What a great sacrifice he made to save all of us; including my sweet baby girl. Yes, even this precious, tiny babe was born a sinner. I have earnestly been thinking about and praying for the day when Nora decides to make the Savior her own. I pray that this happens at a young age for her, like it did for me and her Dad. I so desperately want her to know and love the Lord and be able to realize just how much he loves her; yes, even more than her own Mommy can. You always hear the phrase,”It all starts in the home.” But whoa…when you actually have a kid, it takes on a whole new meaning. I know that I am not, nor will I ever be close to, the perfect parent, but I pray daily that God would continue to mold me into the kind of woman who lives her life pleasing to Him; one that can be an example for my daughter to follow so that one day she can make the decision to follow the Lord as well. I hope that this is not just a “seasonal” prayer that I have around the holidays, either. I hope that it will always be heavy on my heart to pray for my children’s relationship with the Lord. I want our home to be a place of safety and love that’s rooted deep in the Word of God and that is NOT ashamed of the Gospel of Christ. But I know that I can’t get there on my own – praising God tonight that He promises to grant wisdom to those who ask for it. Heaven knows this momma needs it!
In closing….with Easter in mind, I attempted to take Nora to see the Easter Bunny at Oak Park Mall today. She looked absolutely stunning in her coral and green dress. Word of advice…if you want to get your baby’s picture taken with the Easter Bunny, don’t go to OP Mall…no personal cameras allowed and the CHEAPEST package price was $20.00….Appalled does not even begin to describe the way I felt. Looks like we will be going to The Great Mall and taking our picture with the homely, worn down Easter Bunny this year and taking our picture for free…Sigh…
Happy Wednesday and happy walking OUTSIDE the next 2 days in 70 degree weather!!

I love all of this! Nora reminds me so much of Arden in some pictures…which is probably why I think she is so darn cute! 🙂 My mom and I put bunny ears on Arden today and she didn't mind either. We've definitely trained them well with the headbands!
Glad you've started a blog! I'm excited to follow along 🙂