If I’m honest…. I mean being really honest. I struggle big time with mom fear. Like legitimate, heart stopping, blood racing mom fear. The kind that makes my sweat pour and my mind race. I’m the queen of “what if’s” and “how could I go on?” if certain scenarios really happened. Please tell me I’m not alone?
Maybe it stems from that fierce motherly love or the fact that there are terrible stories on the news every single day. Or maybe it’s because I have a human fearful heart that aches for every mother on the headlines who is grieving the awful things that have happened to their children.
Or maybe it’s because I don’t have enough faith in my Heavenly Father who loves my babies infinitely more than I ever could.
Either way, I’m living in sin. And it breaks me every single day.
It happens when I drop my children off at my mother-in-laws for her to watch them for the afternoon. It begins when I lay them down to sleep when they are sick. It’s found in that moment when I can’t find her in the store. I feel it when I see a horrific story on the evening news. And then it leaves when I see their sweet faces again. But it shouldn’t be there to begin with.
Do not fear…..
It’s found in scripture 365 times. That’s 365 days a year to not live in fear. That’s 365 times a day to cling to God’s peace and not my insecurities. That’s 365 moments of grace and hope instead of anxiety. And today I need to CHOOSE that that’s enough for me. Do you know why?
Because they aren’t mine to begin with.
From the moment they laid my girls on my chest, from the moment I saw those two pink lines on a stick, an immense love that I never knew was possible overflowed in my heart. And an immediate fear for their hearts and lives pulsed through my veins. But it’s a love that was never mine first. It’s a love that God placed in my heart for a reason, it’s an extension of His great love. But He didn’t place that fear there. Satan did that. So how do I combat that fear and replace it with peace and trust?
I get in the Word, girl friend.
“The Lord is my light and my salvation – whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life – of whom shall I be afraid?” Psalm 27:1
“The Lord is with me; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?” Psalm 118:6
“For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline.” 2 Timothy 1:7
“You who fear him, trust in the Lord – he is their help and shield.” Psalm 115:11
“Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.” Deuteronomy 31:6
He’s got you, sweet friend. Whether are laying awake in fear tonight or sitting in a hospital room with your sick child…. If your baby is crying for you in the middle of the night with bad dreams or you are saying good-bye to your sweet child on this side of eternity…. NO MATTER WHERE you or your child are tonight… He’s already there; He always was. His promises are in His Word. And so is His peace.

I needed this so much. This is such a great reminder. I have these same fears every single day and need to remember this.Thank you for sharing!