How Many Weeks Along? 22 weeks
Size of Baby: A butternut squash
Gender: Sweet baby girl! AND this week Eric and I finalized her name! So now to keep our secret from the world 🙂
Weight Gain: Up almost 2 pounds this week. Growth spurt! Up 8 pounds total.
Movement: Continue to feel this little girl move lots! Many people got to feel her move this week, too, including both my parents AND Nora! So fun.
Maternity Clothes: Yep, and loving them! I got a few new things from Zuzu’s while I was home and I’m really looking forward to wearing them!
Cravings: Any type of ice cream sounds pretty good right now, so does a Reuben sandwich, to which craving I gave into yesterday at Lazlo’s. It was phenomenal.
Symptoms: Continued growing pains and stretching. And the acne just continues to grows everyday. I have never been more thankful for coverup! Still quite emotional and teary.
Sleep: Still getting up once to go to the bathroom, but still sleeping great!
Best Moment of the Week: Having my closest loved ones feel the baby move was quite special! We also took Nora’s crib down and completely changed her to a big girl bed and she did fabulous! I am so proud of her. I had the chance to go through all of Nora’s baby clothes and realized that we have virtually nothing to buy for this little lady. It was a super sentimental time going through all of those newborn clothes!
Looking Forward To: Not being so over the top emotional and weepy. I have had a hard time controlling my emotions this week and I’m anxious to feel like I have some control over them again. I also bought some Drumsticks today at Wal-Mart and I’m excited to eat them over the holiday weekend 🙂

I'm 37 weeks and still cry about silly things! Congrats on your little lady! Can't wait to find out the name. 🙂
You look so cute!! Gah!! Such bad baby fever over here right now.
The emotional roller coaster is the worst! I still have not totally gotten 100% back yet!