This month I know so many people who are hurting. Some have lost a beloved friend, some are struggling with shattered relationships and others feel the walls of life closing in around them. Life can be so hard, so cruel, can’t it? My pregnant self is getting Braxton hicks and heartburn just sitting here thinking about it.
Most of my personal posts on this blog reflect what’s going on in my relationship with the Lord, and today I will share some of that. But today I want to share from the heart of humanity. No matter your religion, whether or not you believe in God or a higher power, I think that we can all agree on one thing: everyone has the desire, no, the NEED to be loved; to be invested in. Am I right?
So many times I find myself getting caught up in the everyday bustling of this world: trying to get myself ready before going out, making meals for my family, making sure that Nora is in check, returning emails, checking Facebook….my list could go on and on, as I’m sure yours can. And while some of these things are important or necessary, how often are we taking the time to reach out to others during our day? Taking it a step further, what does that look like?
I think the most simple of answers is to be present with, aware of and kind to those you love, even doing the same with strangers. When your with them, are you really with them? Are you looking into their eyes and listening to their heart when they share it? Are you willing to ask those hard questions, the ones that burn in your stomach before they come out of your mouth? Are you telling people that they matter, that they are important? Furthermore, are you SHOWING them that they are important? What is it that makes it so hard to really fight for each other and love one another the way that we should?
For me, it’s pure selfishness of my time and assuming someone else is going to reach out to those in need. Maybe your busy with your job; but do you have 5 minutes during your break to call your friend just to check in and see how their week is going? Maybe your overwhelmed raising your babies at home; but do you have a moment during nap time to reach out to another struggling mom, just to let them know that they aren’t alone? Or perhaps, you know a friend who is having a hard time in life, but your afraid to reach out not knowing what to say? I know I’ve been there. I know I’ve had excuses, legitimate ones, too. But there is no excuse for going the extra mile to love a friend.
And to those reading this who are that friend: this is my from my heart. You are SO LOVED. SO IMPORTANT. YOU MATTER. YOU ARE NOT A MISTAKE. Each of us is created in the image of God, and created with a purpose; a purpose that only you can fill. God loved you so much that He sent Jesus to die on a cross and take the punishment for your sins and shortcomings; maybe your struggling with those shortcomings today. And if He loved you enough to do that, then He loves you enough to accept you EXACTLY where you are today, no questions asked. He will, and WANTS, to give you the perfect love you desire. Your pain and hardships matter to Him, as well as the condition of your precious heart. And you might not be ready to accept that love today. But if your not, it’s never too late to reach out for support or a helping hand. Maybe it’s meeting with someone once a week for coffee, maybe it’s going to a counselor, maybe it’s going over your finances with an accountant or maybe it’s sitting down and talking out a disagreement with a friend or loved one. I’m not sure exactly where your at on this day, at this moment. But your so important. And if you need a listening ear, I’d love to sit and hear your story, whether we are friends or not. I may not have the answers or the right things to say, but I do have an open heart that’s willing to listen.
I pray that each of you who reads this, whether it be one or a hundred people, feel loved and encouraged today. And I pray you feel the urge in your heart to fight for each other as we go through this life. I took the below pictures earlier this week while out at our land where we are building. The storm clouds were rolling in and building in the distance, and as the rain began to fall, the most beautiful rainbow appeared from within the darkness. What a perfect reminder that beauty can rise from the ashes of our lives and that there is always light within the darkness. We just have to choose to see it.
Alisha says
What a great post. It is always good to be reminded of these things. To take the extra five minutes, even when you complain that you are busy. Great reminder. I will be making lots of phone calls on my way home from work today! says
I'm glad it could encourage you. I found myself calling lots of people this week, too. Even if it was just to check in and tell them I love them 🙂
Rex Bonar says
just put Ehler down for a nap and had a few minutes before the kids come over for dinner- great post and reminder to stay connected- its really easy with FB and all to just think of that time as social time because everyone is so busy- love you! Actually, this is Susan says
I'm so glad that it could encourage you that way. And I figured this was Susan 🙂 Miss you!