We got our first REAL taste of spring here in Kansas City this week with 80, yes I said 80, degree weather on Friday. It was so glorious. Thursday was nice out, too, but Friday was the day to be out and about. So that is what we did. Nora and I trounced over to the park after our run for some fun in the sun (or in our case the shade). I was a bit skeptical of what she would think, but this child LOVES to be outside. We sat there for over an hour on our little blanket and just watched all the other little children play. She would giggle every time a little kid would ride their bike past us or a couple of kids would race along playing tag. Before we know it, she will be the one running around the park! But now, every time we walk past a window or door that leads outside in our house, she reaches for it, almost begging to go back out. Of course, it is 30 degrees out today and can’t go out – go figure. I have the feeling we are going to have such a fun spring and summer playing outside together.

You have become such a domestic diva! Darling pics of your little gal and I loved seeing Eric in the kitchen. I love Key Lime Pie.