Yesterday we had our 20 week anatomy and gender scan for Baby Spach #2. I was dying with anticipation as we sat in the waiting room: nervous to make sure that the baby was healthy, anxious to talk with the doctor and of course excited to find out what we were having. Boy or girl, either way we were just feeling so blessed with the opportunity to be having this child, and praying everything looked good on the scan.
After talking with the doctor we found out a few more things. My “official” due date got moved up to the date I have thought it was all along, September 27th. Baby Girl Spach was 11 inches long and 12 ounces, growing right on track according to the doctor. I also have a posterior placenta compared with an anterior one with Nora, so that I probably why I have felt her moving SO MUCH and so early. With my last pregnancy, I had borderline ITP, meaning my platelets and hemoglobin dropped quite a bit as I neared full term. My symptoms started around 7 months with frequent nosebleeds and really bad gum bleeds. Sadly, this has already started this week, so to be on the safe side Dr. Friesen decided to draw some labs to see where things were. We should be finding out those results in a few days, but I am hoping that it is nothing. I would appreciate your prayers as we find those results out.
We are so excited to be adding another little girl to our family! Poor Eric will continue to be outnumbered, but he says that he loves nothing more than having little girls. And our girls are pretty lucky to have such an amazing Daddy. So here’s to a happy and healthy second half of our pregnancy. And here’s to getting out Nora’s baby clothes and everything pink, frilly, animal print and glittery!

What a cutie! Congrats on another precious baby girl! Will pray you get good results from your tests!
SO excited for you guys! Hooray to being able to use all your headbands and bows again!!! 🙂 Glad everything looked good!
Just so amazing!!! My scan is still a week and a half away, but at a 12 week ultrasound the baby was just waking up and stretching and all I could think was "she looks exactly like Arden does when she wakes up!!!" They really are such little people already!
Praying for good test results!