Heyo! It’s Friday! It’s a warm, overcast afternoon here on the farm in Nebraska and this weekend is calling for some showers and thunderstorms. Praising God for rain on the way! Let’s get started with my Five on this Friday afternoon.
1. Beams and Trusses = Floor!
Eric got our beams and trusses placed on the foundation and basement walls this week, which means we officially have the beginnings of our house floor! He and Kim have been working their rears off in the heat all week to get this done and it looks amazing! And Eric officially has his farmer’s tan for the year, so that’s pretty awesome, too 🙂
2. Pool Days
Eleanor and I have been spending lots of time out back this week in her kiddie pool, running through the sprinkler together and throwing water balloons. She really loves the water and her sand box, and I enjoy getting a tan (belly and all!) while playing alongside of her. It’s a win-win!
3. Nora’ First Drumstick
She loved it and it was a mess. So that’s that…
4. This Child
Nora and I have been spending our mornings in at the town park and we have had a blast! I relived my childhood Thursday and made her a flower crown for her pretty little head. I’m not sure who liked it more, me or her, haha!
5. My Bearded Farmer
He has been working some pretty long hours lately. So long that I have even gotten frustrated over it, more like selfish over missing him. But he works so incredibly hard to provide for our family. I mean for Pete’s sake, he is building us a house with his bare hands. Gracious.
While I’m at it, check out this new toy dresser I got at an auction for THREE DOLLARS!?!? The hubs hauled it home and secured it to the wall this week and it’s perfect for all of Nora’s toys. I’m in love 🙂
Have a wonderful weekend, friends! My folks are coming into town late tomorrow night for a little time with Miss Nora Sue. Should be lots of fun and laughs!

Jim can make a mean flower crown.
I can't at all.
Dad win.
Must be good to see the house starting to be built. It will be nice when its done. Hope you get the rain you have been looking for.
Sean at His and Her Hobbies
I love your little country life so much! 🙂 Have a great time with your parents this weekend!!!!