Today was filled with so many wonderful moments. I got up early and had my coffee on the back porch and spent some time in my devotions before Eric and Nora woke up. The little robin red breasts were chripping away, my coffee was steaming and the Lord was speaking into my heart about trusting him in every moment of my life. Don’t we all need that reminder sometimes?
But today was extra special. Today I was throwing a baby shower for one of my best friends, Emily. She and I met a few years ago when she married one of my closest friends from high school, Ross. Ross and I have known each other for years; all the way back into elementary school. Like back when I was a tom boy and wore Umbro shorts and “kick like a girl” t-shirts everyday, all while rocking my soccerball scrunchie and Adidas shoes.Yeah it was that long ago. Yes, you all know you went through that phase, too…don’t deny it.
Anyway, when Ross and Emily got engaged, we quickly became friends and the rest is history. We both share a love for shopping, animal print, anything shabby chic and laying out by the pool. We always have a great time together when they come to visit and chat often during our weeks. And now these two love bugs are having a baby! And let me tell you what, I can’t wait to meet this little man!
Anyway, when Ross and Emily got engaged, we quickly became friends and the rest is history. We both share a love for shopping, animal print, anything shabby chic and laying out by the pool. We always have a great time together when they come to visit and chat often during our weeks. And now these two love bugs are having a baby! And let me tell you what, I can’t wait to meet this little man!
We had a shabby chic “Prince Charming” theme at her shower today. We thought it fit the pregnant momma’s personality well 🙂
**excuse my terrible picture taking skills…they are all from my phone and I was holding Nora while trying to take most of them. ha!**
“Prince Hougland” banner
Burlap diaper cake
“Wherever you are
That’s where I’ll be…”
Nothing says baby shower like a teddy bear 🙂
Or baby booties….gosh, I love baby booties!
The start of Baby Hougland’s book collection!! Everyone was asked to bring a book along with their gift and personal notes were written in them. SO special!! The branches had Bible verses and quotes about children and their mommas on them. Something Emily can read in those middle of the night feedings to reassure her that God has her right where he designed her to be.
Somehow I missed taking a picture of the vintage cradles with all the gifts in them. Whoopsie! Hopefully someone else captured that moment 🙁 and took it with a better camera!
I am quite blessed to have Emily in my life. I look forward to the day when we can hang out by the pool with both of our kiddos and talk about all of our dreams that we have for them. What fun that will be!
As I hugged her goodbye this afternoon, I realized the next time I see her, she will be holding her little boy in her arms…she will be a Mommy! Honestly, she has no idea what lies ahead of her…sleepless nights, diaper explosions, endless feedings, limited showers….AND warm cuddles and snuggles, precious bonding moments, tiny feet, soft skin, sweet cooing, a new bond with her husband that is indescribable and a love for her son that she never knew was possible. Yep…she has no idea what lies ahead of her 🙂
As I hugged her goodbye this afternoon, I realized the next time I see her, she will be holding her little boy in her arms…she will be a Mommy! Honestly, she has no idea what lies ahead of her…sleepless nights, diaper explosions, endless feedings, limited showers….AND warm cuddles and snuggles, precious bonding moments, tiny feet, soft skin, sweet cooing, a new bond with her husband that is indescribable and a love for her son that she never knew was possible. Yep…she has no idea what lies ahead of her 🙂
The happy parents-to-be!
Blessed by your friendship, Emily! The next time we take a picture together, it will be the FOUR of us!!!

You blessed your friend in such a wonderful way. Your heart is good Lauren….love ya.